#28 "Drive safely." - knj

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The boys, especially Jin and Yoongi, have expressed their fear in you and Namjoon. You're dubbed The Dangerous Couple. While Namjoon destroys almost many things he touches, you're probably the clumsiest person to ever walk the earth. You're constantly tripping over, whether it be your own feet or some cord on the floor. Most of your injuries have resulted from your clumsiness and even Namjoon worries about you often.

But one thing that everyone, including your boyfriend, fears about you is your driving.

Although you claim you're road safe, you're a reckless driver. You've been in many almost-accidents and you're always making passengers in your car fear for their life whenever you're driving. There's been many instances where Namjoon wants to take over your driving but, in all honesty, that would be worse and even more dangerous since he doesn't have a driver's license, let alone know how to drive.

So instead, he grips onto the handle overhead as you speed down the road.

"Babe," he stutters, "slow down."

"I'm only driving a little over the speed limit," you answer.

"Can you please drive a little under the speed limit."

"Speed limits are a myth," you scoff.

"Please," he says, placing his free hand on one of yours, "drive safely."

You sigh, slowing down so you're driving a little under the speed limit and intertwine your hands, "you're boring."

"I'm trying to lessen our chances of destroying everything in our path," he jokes, still keeping his other hand gripped onto the handle above the passenger window.

You laugh, "we're not called The Dangerous Couple for nothing."

"That still doesn't mean I'm not terrified of your driving."

You laugh again.

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