#91 "I hope you like it." - pjm

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One thing you love about Park Jimin is the affectionate attention he always gives and expects from you. When he's around, he always makes it his mission for you to keep your whole attention on him, such as showering you with sweet words and kisses. And when he's not around, he's giving you gifts.

There's a parcel by your door when you come home from work and you smile to yourself, picking it up before unlocking your front door and getting inside. You don't even need to look at the writing on the parcel to know who it's from. You wonder how long ago he sent it and how he managed to hide from you the fact that he sent something to you. Jimin isn't the best liar but when it comes to gifts, he usually seems to be good at not saying anything.

When you open the parcel after sitting on your living room couch, you pull out something wrapped in pretty blue wrapping paper, with a tiny card cello taped to it.

Video call me before you open this.

Rolling your eyes with a smile on your face, you set up your laptop and open up Skype. It's around the time that the two of you usually have a Skype call, but you flick him a message on your phone just in case. If he's unavailable, the present can wait. You know he wants you to call him so he can see you opening the gift.

Soon enough, there's an incoming call on your Skype and you answer immediately. It takes a while to load and get in focus, but soon enough, Jimin's face is on your screen. His smile instantly widens when he sees you.

"Hey," he greets, lifting a small hand to give you a wave.

"I got the parcel," you say, lifting it up, "how long ago did you send it?"

"Oh, it's finally there," he smiles, "I sent it about a week ago."

"And you didn't tell me anything?" you ask.

"I wanted it to be a surprise," he says, giving you a shy smile, "go on, open it."

And you do exactly so, carefully opening the present and making sure you're not ripping the pretty paper. Jimin smiles at you fondly. After fully unwrapping the present, you lift it up. It's a dress, a black one that sparkles under the light and is the exact length that you like. You admire it for a little before noticing that something else had dropped on your lap. It's a necklace with a heart pendant. In your time with Jimin, you've noticed that there's a theme in the jewellery he gives you; hearts.

"Oh, Jimin," you whisper, admiring the necklace, playing with the pendant between your fingers.

"Do you like it?" he asks, "I hope you like it."

"I love it."

"That's good to hear," he says, a proud smile on his face.

"But why the dress?" you ask, "what's the occasion?"

"I'm taking you out for dinner."

You give him a confused look, "what? When?"

"In a week," he smirks, "we get a little time off when we get back, so I asked my family if they wanted to meet you."

"Oh my God, Jimin," you sigh, a flustered blush forming on your cheeks, "you need to tell me these things earlier. I have to get mentally prepared."

"It's fine. You're fine. Beautiful, in fact."

"Oh, stop it."

"It's true," he says, giving you a fond smile.

And although you're terrified of meeting your boyfriend's family, you know that you'd be okay with Jimin by your side and his affectionate attention that you love.

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