#7 "I dreamt about you last night." - kth

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You're cleaning your flat when Taehyung comes over unannounced and you're glad your flat isn't looking like the pigsty that it was the past week. He sits in your living room for a while, just watching you continue to clean after giving you a small greeting.

Once you're done vacuuming the living room, you put your vacuum cleaner away and sit on the couch next to him, wrapping your arms around his torso. He's unusually silent, confused look on his face. You observe his expression, realising that he's looking a little blank. Blank Tae.

"Hey," you give him a little nudge, "you okay?"

He snaps out of his blank state, "hm? Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"I dreamt about you last night."

"Oh?" you say, sitting up and looking at him, "is that why you're here?"

He nods, "yeah."

Realisation dawn upon you, "wait, it wasn't... it wasn't a wet d-"

"No!" says Taehyung, eyes widening, before his confused expression returned, "I don't know."

"You don't know?"

There's a beat. Taehyung stares at you for a little before opening his mouth to speak, "how likely is it for you to be a serial killer?"

"Oh my God," you laugh, processing his words, "what the hell happened in your dream?"

"It was kind of hot," he whispers.

"You're turned on," you deadpan.

He takes a breath, "yeah. I think I am."

"With me killing people?"

"I think it was more the outfit? You looked hot," he says, observing you as if he's imagining the you in his dream, "and the glare. The glare was... something."

You don't know what to say, other than letting out a soft, "wow."

"Sorry," he mutters, "this is weird."

"It's fine," you laugh, "I mean, not fine that I was a serial killer in your dream. But it's fine that it's weird. Nothing I'm not used to."

"You have weird dreams too?"

"Oh no, don't bunch in my weird dreams with yours," you say, shaking your head, "you come at least once a week with a weird dream story."

It's the first time you see a smile on him today, a knowing grin forming on his face as he raises his eyebrows, "what about that one sex dream you had?"

Embarrassed, you throw a pillow at his face. Almost instantly, he grabs it and throws it back. And all of a sudden, you're having a playfight with pillows, until the pillows are discarded and Taehyung's on top of you.

"So," he says with a smirk, "you want to recreate that sex dream?"


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