Chapter 18: Behind the Mask

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I couldn't sleep that night. The thought that this might be some stranger in my bed with me, which I had previously decided was a ridiculous thought, was haunting me. Lapis had learned the lesson the hard way. Things that were ridiculous, things that were called folk tales, and creatures made for fun were real. Very, very real. I was one of them. I was a werewolf.

That thought, of course, and the fact that this Lapis was very, very cold.

Morning came more slowly than usual. I was so used to just watching Lapis and admiring her when I couldn't sleep, but there was nothing I admired about this Lapis. That was what really gave away that something was wrong with this Lapis.

I rubbed my eyes as the sun rose. I got up off my bed. I wanted to be away from this Lapis. Far away. I walked downstairs and plopped on the couch. I switched the television on and boredlywatched a show. No one was awake but me. I could do anything I wanted. I wanted to know what was up with Lapis.

Rarely did I say that I enjoyed being alone ever since I met Lapis, but this was a time that I was happy to be alone. Except for the haunting thought that Lapis wasn't with me.

I remained alone on the couch for quite a long while until Mom walked in.

"Peridot," she said. "What are you doing awake? And where is Lapis?"

"Asleep," I replied.

"You never leave her alone up there," Mom said.

"Mom," I whispered. "Can I vent for a second?"

"Of course you can, honey," Mom replied.

"Will you believe me?" I asked.

"My daughter is a werewolf," Mom said. "Of course I'll believe you."

I looked around. Lapis wasn't there.

"I don't think that's Lapis," I whispered.

"What do you mean?" Mom asked.

"She isn't the same," I replied. "She doesn't kiss the right way, she doesn't act the same way, and she doesn't listen to me."

"Is that an imprint thing?" Mom asked.

"I guess," I answered.

"I never had an imprint," Mom said. "I don't really know how all of that stuff works."

"What about Dad?" I asked.

"Well...he was just someone I liked. I never actually imprinted," Mom answered. "Then I gave my powers to you to save you, and I lost that ability completely."

"Wow," I said. "Will you just help me keep an eye on Lapis please?"

"Sure," Mom replied.

"Thanks, Mom," I said.

"You're welcome, honey," Mom responded.

I went back to watching the television, not feeling so terrible. After a little while, Lapis came downstairs. I braced myself for the cold I was about to feel. I could even feel Mom cringing behind me. Lapis came and sat with me, laying her head on my chest. She was still very cold.

"Let me guess," I said. "Outside?"

"No," Lapis replied. "I'm alright here."

That seemed more like her. I was starting to wonder if I really was getting worked up over nothing.

"You're sure?" I asked.

"Yeah," Lapis responded.

I sighed. I wished she wasn't so cold.

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