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I took out my backpack. Summer was coming to an end, and school was going to start soon. I didn't want to have to wake up early again. I didn't want to have to do homework. I wanted to stay with Peridot. Summer had gone by too fast.

"Got your pencils?" Peridot asked as she rummaged through my desk drawers.

"No," I answered.

She tossed a couple of pencils to me and smiled. "There," she said.

"Thanks," I responded, putting the pencils in my backpack.

There was one thing that hadn't changed over the summer, and that was my relationship with Peridot. She was still my amazing and quite protective girlfriend.

"Ready for school?" She asked.

"No," I answered.

"You'll make it," Peridot said. "We only have one more year, and then we're adults, and we can do anything we want."

"You're not adults yet," a voice said.

Peridot and I looked at the door. My Dad was opening it with two binders in his hands.

"Your mom said you needed new clothes, Peridot," he said. "She told me to take you two shopping or something."

"Why do I need new clothes?" Peridot asked, running at her unnaturally quick speed to my dad.

"U-uh...your mom just said you did," my dad answered, hesitantly handing the binders to her.

"Guess we're going shopping then," Peridot said, running back to me.

"Sure," I replied.

"I'm driving," Dad said. "I'm not trusting either of you with that."

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"My rules," Dad said.

Peridot took my hand and led me downstairs. Dad followed us and quickly walked ahead of us when we approached the door. We walked out onto the driveway and got in the car. Peridot didn't mind having to sit in the middle row. I know Dad didn't want to be near a werewolf, despite hearing the talk about imprints from White. He was still skeptical about it. I felt like I understood. My dad had never been a fan of me being in a romantic relationship, nevertheless with a supernatural creature.

"Peridot," Dad said. "Your mom said to choose variety in your clothes."

"Why?" Peridot asked.

"Well, you do wear the same outfit every day," I said.

"Because it's comfy!" Peridot retorted. "And I've hugged you with it on a lot." She blushed.

"Aw," I said quietly.

Dad revved up the engine, interrupting what Peridot was going to say. He began to drive down the road. I looked out the window as the world flew by. I could see the ocean and the trees. We really lived in quite a beautiful place. Somehow, I hadn't taken much time to notice.

Peridot was sitting silently in the back. I didn't know what she was thinking about. I wanted to know. Her face wasn't showing any emotion, which only confused me even more.

"We're here," Dad said, parking the car.

I stepped out of the car and next to Peridot. Dad walked around to us with his wallet in his hand.

"Okay," he said. "I'm giving you guys some money for clothes. Clothes. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," Peridot replied.

Dad gave me some folded money, which I put into my pocket to make sure I didn't lose it. It wasn't often that he gave me money.

He sighed. "Peridot?"

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