I know... I'm sorry I wasn't that enthusiastic in the last chapter, I'LL MAKE IT UP TO YA'LL<3
Soooo...I woke up at 12 in the midnight cause my mom wanted to be the first one to greet me, I was so happy and touched idk why cause she's always the first to greet me every year. I just felt that this day is going to be a great day. So i went to school and Suzy was the first friend to greet meeee<3 Idk I'm just really appreciative about the simplest things haha so i get so happy when someone greets me. ANYWAYS it was a great school day actually, didn't get to see Drake, but that's OK cause ITS MY DAY SIS.
Actually, quick flashback 2 days ago, it was our exams so I got to get home early but while I was walking to the school gate, I saw drake with our other higher years, then he looked at me but its always been happening lately and I know he just does it accidentally so I didn't feel anything at I'm getting over him already so yeah. BUT SIS WHAT GOT ME WAS THIS: So I went back to my classroom cause I forgot the things for my project, then I saw him again BUT THIS TIME HE WAS ALREADY LOOKING AT ME...then HE WAVED AT ME.
I was so shook cause he never does that, so I just smiled cause I honestly didn't know what to do. He did that though...ANYWAYS BACK TO MY BDAY
So it was lunchtime then suddenly my classmates made like a group circle and told me to get in the middle of the circle, so I went in the middle and they sang happy birthday for me<<<333, like this day was honestly so great. After school, I went home immediately cause my mom wasn't home and I have to look after my little brother so yeah, but when I got inside the apartment everything was dark and no one was inside, then suddenly my aunt came out from one of the rooms with her husband and my little brother while holding a bday cake for me, this day has honestly been full of surprises and I'm so happy cause this usually doesn't happen in my bdays. We usually just get out to eat and that's it...but this day is something I will never forget. This is by far the best bday I ever had. I realized that a lot of people really do care about me and love me for who I am. I got everything I wanted today and this day has been a total blast.
Ok...just wanted to share what I texted to Suzy before I went home. Suzy and Coochie just really mean to me a lot cause they've been like the best friends that really made my bday better.
"Thank you Suzy for being the first friend who greeted me. <3 I appreciate it so much...also, take time on whatever you're planning with Coochie for me hahaha. Idk I'm just really happy cause I realized that people actually care about the birthday of a shizhead. Love you guys so much xoxo."
<3 Paul
And that's that for today I really wanna thank the people who read the weird shiz that I write here haha hopefully everyday of your life goes well cause ya'll deserve it<3 you guys keep me going so thank you so much...and I think I'll be back with another chapter maybe on christmas cause I really have a lot of stuff to do so sorry bout that :( hope u guys understand.
Love ya'll <3
Paul Withers' Gay Diary
RomantizmHeY SiS!!! I'm Paul Withers, a young, bisexual writer and an art student, and i wanted a place where i could just let out all my bottled up feelings. I wanted to write it in my notes in my phone but I wanted to share my ShiZzy life to other people...