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She turned around and up close she looked even pretty than I thought.

Ruel- hey I'm Ruel, I'm new to this area and I saw you were wearing the same uniform as me and I thought maybe you could help me out a bit?

August- hi I'm August I'd love to help, our stop is about two away.

My smile grew as I heard her voice, so sweet and pure.

We got off at school and headed in together but as we walked through the school halls we got some strange looks. I glanced at August and she seemed off, I was worried and confused why I was worried. I've only known this girl for less than half an hour and she is already taking up my thoughts.

We head to the office and August says she needs to go find something for a project but she still seems off. I say thank you and she quickly runs off. I just wanted her to stay I guess I'll just have to find her later.

Say - Ruel Where stories live. Discover now