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11pm I'm cuddled up to August, running my fingers through her hair. My mind truthfully thinking about how lucky I am right now. I mean yeah the music career is great but more so with August. I know we're young but I love her, I want to buy my first house with her, have my children with her and grow old together with her. She's perfect.

I have a plan to surprise August with before we go on tour and I hope she will love it. August is coming on tour with me because one, I love her support and two, if I have to be honest I'm still worried about her.
She's been doing well but she's not 100% and there is no way on earth that I'm letting what happened to her happen again.

Time passes by, I'm woken by the loss of warmth between my arms, August has slipped away from my grasp. I make my way down the hall, then the stairs to see a figure sitting on the kitchen bench. I approached August and give her a hug from behind not realising that she was so concentrated in her thoughts the light touch scared her.

August- darn you scared me

Ruel- I could say the same thing when I woke up without you next to me

August- sorry

Ruel- what's wrong love

August- nightmare

Ruel- again, what's been on your mind lately

August- you sure you wanna know it's like 2 in the morning

Ruel- well I don't care what time it is as long as I know my princess is ok

It's true I would stay up all night to make sure she was ok.

August- well... Ruel I'm not sure what I'm suppose to be doing with my life. I wanna do something but I just don't think I'm talented at really anything

August started getting all flustered.

Ruel- hey, hey, hey, it's going to be ok. You are one of the most beautiful, intelligent, funny and talented girls I know you could honestly do anything.

I thought she was doing ok. Instead she's been drowning in her dark thoughts but she shouldn't have to. Why can't she see herself the way is we her?

August- says you, you have a voice of an angel and I have a very loving boyfriend

Ruel- I mean I do love you to bits but your voice isn't bad either. You could always have a crack at it and I'll be there every step of the way

August- but that's your thing

Ruel- my thing? I don't own it and plus it can be our thing. I don't know about you but I'll really loving the sound of that

August- in my world it does seem perfect

Ruel- you're perfect

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