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Today is the day August is being realised from hospital. August has had plenty of visitors during her time here but none have been from Toni. When I started hanging out with August I notice Toni and August becoming more distant. I hope it's not because of me that they're not talking.

As I keep thinking I can't stop blaming myself. The guilt is overwhelming. I need to do something about it. August has gotten up and is in the bathroom, perfect timing for me to devise this plan. I make my way down to the lobby of the hospital and call Toni. I let her know how I feel and so her if she would come and visit. She was hesitant at first but I managed to persuade her.

Toni arrives pretty quickly and we make our way up to August's room. I knock on the door, just in case August was in the middle of something.

August- it should be unlocked

I walk in, my face beaming with a smile, Toni close behind me.

Ruel- good morning princess
August- good morning, hey Toni
Toni- hey, how ya feeling?
August- better, how are you?
Toni- yea ok
Ruel- I'm going to leave you two alone

August shoots me a glare and I make my way out through the door and shoot her a smile back.

As I wait outside I just scroll through Instagram. After about 15 minutes or so I make my way back into the room. When I open the door I go up to August and give her a big hug.

August- thank you
She says softly
Ruel- anything for my princess
I say back just as soft.

I look down at August and admire how beautiful she is then she slowly connects our lips. We sit down with Toni and chat the afternoon away.

Soon enough August's doctors came in exactly at 2pm. They had her prescription and some forms for August's parents to fill out. They visited August everyday but felt it was right to allow me to stay with her during the nights. I was thankful for that. They filled out the forms and we headed home. I know I've haven't left August's side but I don't want to do I go home with them. She tried to persuade me to go home and rest in my own bed but I refused. I'd rather cuddle with my princess. We later down on her bed and cuddled until we soon feel asleep.

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