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Today is the day Ruel, Chelsea and I go back and to America. I'm so happy to be travelling with them. Ruel and I will be together and hopefully I can improve my feelings.

I finished packing last night and got a good night sleep. Ruel and Chelsea are going to be at mine at 9 to pick me up. I'm very excited but a bit drowsy and emotional from the medication I started. The doctors said for the first week I would feel this way but then it would build up and make me happy again. Only downside to it I can find now is it tastes like fennel. Eww.

I wake up at 8, take a quick shower then throw on a huge hoodie that I may of stolen from Ruel.

Then I chuck on some bike shorts, slides and put my hair into a messy ponytail

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Then I chuck on some bike shorts, slides and put my hair into a messy ponytail. I grab my bags and wander downstairs. Once I'm downstairs I pack my carry bag with my medicine, toothbrush, empty water bottle, laptop, chargers and wallets/passport.

As I'm finishing that there is a knock on the door. Mum opens it and there stands Ruel with a huge smile plastered on his face. Mum lets him in and he heads straight towards me.

Ruel- heyyy that my hoodie??
August - it might be
Ruel- it looks better on you anyway

He then grabs my suitcase and I follow him to the car. He puts my suitcase in the boot and I say my goodbyes to mum and dad.

After about 10 minutes we arrive at the airport. We check in etc. and now we're waiting at our gate with 20 minutes to spare. Even though I've had plenty of sleep I still feel drowsy, damn this medicine. I lay my head on Ruel's shoulder and cuddle into his arms. As he plays with my hair.

Ruel- hey bubs the plane is boarding
August- aaaaww 5 more minutes

Ruel then kisses me on the forehead then the cheek then my lips

August- fine I'll get up
Ruel- hahah
Chelsea- you two are adorable
Ruel- we know
August- wow

We get on the plane and I'm sitter next to ruel.

Ruel- I'm ready to be the best pillow you'll ever had
August- haha are you sure I don't wanna be annoying
Ruel- hey it's not your fault it's that medicine and I don't mind at all, I like cuddling with you.

I rest my head in his chest and he snakes his arms around my waist. I gently close my eyes and fall asleep with ruel combing his fingers through my hair.

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