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It's been a few days. Ruel hasn't left my side. We haven't spoken much, our silence is comfortable. He runs his fingers through my hair when I have trouble falling asleep and leaves small kisses up my arm and on my forehead.

I feel safe in his arms.

I open my eyes slowly, the light blinding me slightly. When I get my vision back to 100% I see two new people in the room.

Ruel- hey August, this is doctor lane and doctor baker, they want to talk to you when you're ready.
August- sure but can you stay.
Doctor lane- we'd rather it just be the three of us.
Doctor baker- don't worry
Ruel- hey August, it'll be ok, it'll be quick and then I'll be right back
August- ok

Ruel softy kisses my forehead and gets up and walks over to the door

Ruel- I love you August

I blush and give him a small meaningful smile.

Doctor lane- ok now August, do you remember what happened?
August- yes I think, I was at home alone and I couldn't anymore so I got up and took some pills then all I remember is laying down and then waking up here.
Doctor baker- can you tell us why you decided to do this?
August- umm well at school people aren't the nicest and when Ruel was there it was ok but when he left for tour it got worst and I just didn't want to do it anymore.
Doctor lane- can you make us one promise please, promise us that you talk to someone next time. Do it for us, do it for your family, do it for Ruel. I can tell you two love each other very much. You need each other.

Tears began to swell up in my eyes. Both doctors got up and Ruel came in. As he did the tears broke the barrier. Slowly steaming down my face. Ruel rushes over and engulfs me in his warm, loving hug.

August- I promise

And with that the doctors leave. They prescribed me with an anti depressant to help me feel happy again. Ruel and I spend the rest of the day resting, his arm snakes around my waist and my head rested on his chest.

Say - Ruel Where stories live. Discover now