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Night one of the painkiller tour. What a frightening but amazing night.

Ruel- I would like to invite a very special person to the stage. August

The crowd go crazy, not knowing this was happening. A big smile came to my face and my confidence grew.

August- hey guys, how's the show been?

Ruel- so meh and August are gonna sing you a song, you ok with that?

Ruel- tis one is, say

The music begins and I sing the first verse. The crowd being so kind and cheering me on.
As we get to the chorus Ruel and I are looking into each other's eyes with the fans yelling the lyrics as loud as they can.
As I'm looking into Ruel's eyes I see a tear trinkle down his cheek.
That hits me hard about a year ago I was admitted to hospital, I'm so glad and thankful that I have Ruel in my life. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here. And the doctors obviously.

In this moment I just want to hold on to Ruel and
never let go. I never want Ruel not to be in my life because I truely don't know what I'd do without him.

The concert is over and Ruel and I are hand in hand walking down the street towards the beach. When we get there it's around 2am. We sit cuddled up together just embracing each other's company. That's when Ruel suddenly starts singing say. I turn around to face him and he has a huge smile on his face. His hand starts digging in his pocket and he pulls out.....

Say - Ruel Where stories live. Discover now