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The day went by. I had several people call out rude things to me but I have gotten use to it by now and just ignore them. Toni messaged me earlier apologising for being sick.

I've seen Ruel a couple of times but he hasn't seen me because I run away quick enough.

It's now lunch and I'm sitting outside under a tree with my headphones in. Ruel comes over to me and once again taps on my shoulder. I turn around to face the smily boy and he starts to speak.

Ruel- August I wanted to tell you that people have been saying somethings about you to me but I want you to know that everything they told me I don't believe and that I'm here for you whenever you need me to be. I know we only met today but you seem different, a good different. I want to get to know you more.

August- ok, um, that means a lot to me Ruel but are you sure you want to be seen around me, everyone hates me. To them I'm weird and ugly.

Ruel- but that's the thing you're not weird or ugly, they're just jealous.

I look into to Ruel's eyes he seems genuine. Then out of the blue he engulfs me into a hug and I can't contain my cheeks from going a deep shade of red.
We separate and he looks me in the eyes, he quickly pecks my cheek and simply says

Ruel- you're cute when you blush

He hands me a piece of paper and walks away to fifth period. I open the piece of paper and it has a number on it which I assume is Ruel's and the words

"Don't listen to them"

I get my phone out and put the number into it and start typing

"Thank you"

Almost instantly he replied

"Anytime, I'd do anything for you"

I blushed and continued to walk to my locker for class.

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