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About a week has gone by since August tried to take her own life. I have rescheduled most my tour dates but I'm a couple days I have to go back and finish. But I'm worried about August, what if the same thing happens? I have an idea but I need some help.

I message Nate and ask him weather I could bring August with us in tour. This means I could take care of her but still do what I love. He says yes and I can't contain my excitement but first I need to ask August's parents permission. So I call them up. It took a bit of persuading but they ended up saying yes. Now it was time to tell August.

Ruel- morning sunshine, wanna hang at the beach today?
August- morning, I would love too
Ruel- I'll be at yours at 11?
August- can't wait

It's right on 11 and I knock on August's door. She quickly opens it and gives me a huge hug. We haven't seen each other for two days but it feels like forever.

Ruel- hey beautiful
August- hey my love
Ruel- ready
August- yea just let me grab my bag

We walk out and continue walking down to the beach just about 10 minutes away from her house.

We get down to the beach and run into the ocean I can't help but stare at August, she is beautiful. We are both in each other's arms floating around. August is just watching the sky while I'm admiring her.

August- whatcha doin
Ruel- just admiring
August- what there's nothing much to admire
Ruel- Don't day that again, you're beautiful
August- what did I do to deserve you
Ruel- I ask myself that everyday

Then out lips connect and time feels like it pauses. We spend a bit longer just playing around in the waves. Then we bother get out and sunbath.

It's been 20 minutes.

Ruel- hey can I ask you a question
August- you just did
August giggle her adorable laugh.
Ruel- yea but can I ask you another question
August- you just did again
She did it again and couldn't help laughing her head off which made me giggle. She was adorable when trying to be stubborn.
Ruel- August could I please ask you two questions
August- of course, you got one left
Ruel- how would you feel about coming on tour with me
August- I-I would love to but why
Ruel- I'm worried that when I leave you'll go back to you know what happened last time.
August- I'm worried too
Ruel- so I ask Nate and your parents, they both said yes so you can come if you want to

She quickly connected our lips

August- thank you
Ruel- I would do anything for you
August- I love you
Ruel-  I love you'll

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