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11pm and I'm settled in bed, laid down next to Ruel. Him combing through my dark brown hair. Ever since school has finished my mind has been wandering on the thought of what I should do with the rest of my life?? Ruel's tour is staring next week and although it would be dope to go and support him and small part of me doesn't just want to be doing that for the rest of my life. I don't want to be known as just Ruel's girlfriend but also as August. And this part of me plays with me because as much as I want to do something with my life I'm not sure if I'm good enough.

All of a sudden I'm awake and tears are streaming down my blushed cheeks, a nightmare. Not again these haven't happened for a long time, why now?
I slowly ease myself out of Ruel's grip and make my way down to the kitchen. I grab a glass of Waters and launch myself onto the bench. I sit there pondering on the nightmare, like I'm brainwashed.  Then I'm suddenly lured out of that brainwashed by a soft touch, Ruel.

August- darn you scared me

Ruel- I could say the same thing when I woke up without you next to me

August- sorry

Ruel- what's wrong love

August- nightmare

Ruel- again, what's been on your mind lately

August- you sure you wanna know it's like 2 in the morning

Ruel- well I don't care what time it is as long as I know my princess is ok

August- well... Ruel I'm not sure what I'm suppose to be doing with my life. I wanna do something but I just don't think I'm talented at really anything

I start to get worked up and flustered

Ruel- hey, hey, hey, it's going to be ok. You are one of the most beautiful, intelligent, funny and talented girls I know you could honestly do anything.

August- says you, you have a voice of an angel and I have a very loving boyfriend

Ruel- I mean I do love you to bits but your voice isn't bad either. You could always have a crack at it and I'll be there every step of the way

August- but that's your thing

Ruel- my thing? I don't own it and plus it can be our thing. I don't know about you but I'll really loving the sound of that

August- in my world it does seem perfect

Ruel- you're perfect

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