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I was just about to go on to perform at Camp Flog Gnaw but before I went on I wanted to speak to August. She was why I was here, she helped me so much and I wanted her to know that.

I opened my phone and dialled her number
It rang once, twice, three times but she never picked up. Suddenly I was called on stage. I performed and was feeling with joy and adrenaline, it was absolutely amazing.

When I came off stage Chelsea was there but she her facially expressions didn't seem fitting. I was quickly escorted to a car. I was confused

Ruel- where are we going?
Chelsea- I'll tell you later just give me some time.
I could tell something wasn't right, Chelsea was holding back tears and I didn't know what to do.

We arrived at the airport and quickly got on to a private jet. Thi was my first time on one of these but I couldn't care any less I needed to know what was going on.

Ruel- Chelsea what is going on!?
Chelsea- you may need to take a seat.
It's August she's in hospital.

It all went silent and a single tear fell down my cheek. I tried to speak but sound wasn't coming out of my mouth. Chelsea explained to me what happened and I was lost for words.

If only I called earlier.

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