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Night one of the painkiller tour and so far the concert has been incredible and I can't wait till August joins me on stage.

Ruel- I would like to invite a very special person to the stage. August

When i announced August's name the crowd roared and to see the big smile on August's face made me so happy.

August- hey guys, how's the show been?

Ruel- so meh and August are gonna sing you a song, you ok with that?

Ruel- tis one is, say

The music begins and August sings the first verse. Her silky smooth voice melting my heart. The song goes by and we're in the chorus. I'm looking August in the eyes and I can't help but let my tears slip. With the crowd singing along in the background I was in my element, I felt at home. Around this time last year I nearly lost the love of my life and I'm so glad that she is still here with me. I'm so thankful.

After the show was over August and I walked down to the beach, yeah it was late but I had a surprise for my cutie. We sat in the sand cuddled together just admiring each other's embrace and the night sky reflecting of the smooth sounding ocean waves. Then I begin with singing say, this song was written for August. This song is hers and so is my heart. I slide my hand into my pocket and pull out a small case. August is now facing towards me watching my every move.

Ruel- August I just wanted to let you now that you are my everything. This time last year was rough but we got through it together and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I pull up the case and show her the promise ring

Ruel- this ring is my promise to you that I will never stop loving you, I will never stop protecting you and I will never stop believing in you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I hope you do too.
August will you except my promise.

August breaks down in tears nodding her head up and down, speak less. I take her hand and slip the ring on her finger then embrace in a hug. We part and we both exchange a soft meaningful kiss.

Say - Ruel Where stories live. Discover now