1 year later

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Before this starts, I picture the video above as the Y/N entrance theme

3rd POV
The Xiao Long and Rose house has fallen apart, Summer died shortly after her departure, Tai hasn't been taking it to well, every night he comes home drunk. The 18 month old and the 5 year old hid from their father's drunk wrath every night, sometimes he would find them, then comes the belt...always leaving marks. Though sometimes he just passes out when he gets back, those are the days they pray for to happen. They wait for the days he passes out to make their moves, they pack little by little to escape their nightmares, they've been doing it for about a month. They are sick of the lashings and sick of the bleeding in the night, they want a better life, just like when their mother was around. Luckily for them, Tai passed out in his chair, the last things were packed and they made their move finally. Ruby was sleepy, so Yang put her in a wagon and rapped a red cloak around her, Yang put her stuff in the wagon with Ruby and left the area, before Tai finishes sleeping.
Yang: goodbye...
Yang pulled the wagon for what felt like miles, still on the forest, though getting farther from the city. It began to pour down rain, leaving the two young children soaked. She then noticed a small cottage, abandoned and beaten up, but it was enough to keep them dry for the night. Yang dragged the wagon to near exhaustion, she was just outside the cabin until she heard growling. She looked up, the rain dripping from her hair and face. Two red eyes were seen in the darkness, she was too tired to move and to cry out for help. The Beowulf came out of the cabin crying. Yang raised her eye brow.
Yang: w-what?
The Beowulf has a broken leg, completely snapped sideways. A quick shimmer happened in the darkness before a black hammer came down on top of the Beowulf's back, killing it.
(Start the music if you want)
A figure walked out of the shadows, holding the warhammer, his hair wet and his armor glistening. He looked at the little girls and raised his eyebrow. Next to him a gray wold came out of the shadows and began growling.
Y/N: take it easy dog.
The wolf sat down next to him, the young Yang looked up at him as he towered over her.
Yang: w-who are you?
Y/N closed his eyes and sighed.
Y/N: a lone wanderer.
Her eyes widened as he answered, his voice was deep and scratchy.
Y/N: where did you come from?
Yang: my home....I ran away with my baby sister.
Y/N looked at the baby and sighed.
Y/N: what's your name kid?
Yang: Y-Yang
Y/N: I can see it in your eyes Yang....abuse, loss, who died and who is abusing you?
Yang: how can you tell by looking in my eyes?
Y/N: I've seen the face to many times, now answer my question.
Yang: our mother died, after my father, TaiYang, heard the news he turned to drinking....
Y/N: I'm sorry.
Yang: do you mind if we can go in the shack for the night, sorry for bothering you
Y/N: I mind plenty, come with me.
Yang raised her eye brow as Y/N walked away, the wolf followed him, she had no where else to go, and was so desperate she do anything to get out of the rain. She looked ahead to see a cabin in the distance, smaller than her house. Y/N looked back at her and sighed.
Y/N: Dog, grab the wagon, I'll take the kids.
He walked up to the girls and picked up Yang and Ruby.
Y/N: I don't need to be responsible for sick girls, I'm calling someone.
He walked into the house soaked, alone with his wolf and the girls. He put them down and walked over to his scroll.
Y/N: do you have an uncle?
Yang: Qrow Branwen.
Y/N looked up at her with an eye raised.
Y/N: you mean the drunk?
Yang: yes!
Y/N widened his eyes and breathed out as he picked up the scroll. He went into his contacts and called Qrow.
Qrow: Y/N?
Y/N: your nieces are here with me, get over here you drunken bastard.
He hung up and closed his scroll, he then sat on his chair and pulled out a flask.
Yang: you drink a lot too?
Y/N: don't be judging what I drink, I have my reasons to do what I do.
He drank from his flask, thinking about his ex wife and son, the boy he wanted to raise and will never see again, the alcohol no longer has any effect on Y/N, he no linnet gets drunk, not even a small buzz.
Y/N: get some sleep, all I have it a couch right now, use it for the moment.
Yang: thank you.
Yang picked up Ruby and sat on the couch.
Y/N: wait here, I'm going on the porch.
Y/N walked out to see Qrow sitting on the porch, on the rocking chair.
Qrow: hello Y/N.
Y/N: Qrow....I'm sorry about Raven
She walked up behind Y/N.
Raven: hi Y/N, you have my daughter in there.
Y/N: wait, girl told me her mother was dead, if she knew Qrow, that means it had to be Tai and you right?
Raven: used to be, then it became Summer.
Y/N: are you serious!?
Qrow: you didn't think she would remarry?
Y/N: didn't think it would be so soon.
Qrow: it's been 10 years, she married around the same time you did, how old are you?
Y/N: 28
Qrow: exactly, you were with her for 3 years, shortly after Raven left, you two got divorced, you waited, you married Diane, now look at you alone again.
Y/N: this isn't about me, it's about those girls, you take them.
Qrow: why did they run away?
Y/N: Tai abused, I saw marks on their arms... take....them.
Raven: he did what?
Y/N: you heard me, he took a belt to them, I know those marks too well.

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