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3rd POV
Raven: that Bastard!
She slammed her fist on the porch.
Raven: I'm going to strangle him!
Y/N: what about them!?
Qrow: Y/N....we can't watch them either, I don't have a home and Raven's bandit hang doesn't like having kids around, causes distractions, as you put it sis.
Raven: shut it!
Y/N: I'm not sending them back to Tai, what do I do Qrow?!
Qrow: can watch them.
Y/N: fat chance.
Raven:'re watching them, you found them, you get to raise them.
She poked Y/N in the chest.
Y/N: don't poke me.
Qrow: think of it like this, a second chance with raising someone.
Y/N: I've been alone for a year, I can't raise a kid.
Raven: well you better because if you don't I'm going to jam my fingers into your eye sockets to hear you scream until you're dead.
Y/N:....alright fine.
Qrow: Thank you Y/N, you've always been a good friend.
Raven: you've also been a good ex boyfriend.
Y/N: you're not living that down are you?
Raven: nope.
She transformed into a raven and flew off.
Qrow: I'll be around to make sure you're doing it right.
Qrow flew off as a crow. Y/N sighed and walked back inside, seeing Yang and Ruby gone from the couch.
Y/N: Ugh.
He closed the door behind him and walked around. He heard clanking in his kitchen and walked over, seeing the 18 month old reaching in the cookie jar.
Y/N: what are you doing?
Ruby: hungy
Y/N: where's your sister?
Ruby pointed at the five year old in the cabinet.
Y/N: what are you doing?
Yang: sorry...we were just hungry.
Y/N: *sigh* sit down.
Y/N grabbed the cookie jar from Ruby.
Y/N: take you sister with ya, I'll see what I have.
Y/N reached into the ice box and pulled out a few rabbits and vegetables.
Y/N: haven't cooked anything in a kitchen in years.....
A crow landed on his window sill.
Y/N: don't you start judging my cooking, I don't do this stuff at home.
The crow laughed and took off.
Y/N: really hate that guy.
He skinned the rabbit and began cutting it in chunks, then started cutting the vegetables.
Yang POV
I looked around, looking at the bear heads on the wall, swords hanging and a bow leaning by the door. The rugs were fur from animals, the entire house was made of wood though.
Me: Hey Sir?
????: what?
Me: you have a lot of dead animals.
????: I know.
Me: why?
?????: the meat is used to survive, the fur is to keep warm, the heads are for decoration.
Me: why would you kill an animal for decoration?
????: no one likes to buy animal heads without the entire body, but they would throw away the meat and put it up for show.
He walked out of the kitchen with two cups of water.
Me: thank you.
????: the stew will be finished within the hour if I actually did this right.
Me: you have a wife?
????: used to.
Me: did she pass away like mom?
????: she wanted me gone so I left.
Me: how did you get this cabin then?
????: I built it. As I did my first one.
Me: what's your name?
????: you ask a lot of questions don't you?
Me: please.
????: *sigh* my name is Y/N.
Me: nice to meet you.
Y/N: you don't have to lie to me....stay here, I'm going outside for a few.
Me: what do you plan to do?
Y/N: I heard something move out there.
He put his hand behind his back and pulled out his giant black hammer. He got up and walked outside the house.
3rd POV
He looked around, he knew he heard something, something big, definitely not a small animal like he normally hunts. The rain was pouring down and he heard the sound of a female screaming and the sound of men laughing in the distance. Without saying a word he walked towards the screaming, he then heard the sound of chains and a horse neighing. He tightened his grip on the Warhammer and walked faster.

A New Start (Kali Belladonna X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now