Family Matters

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3rd POV
Y/N: I thought you were dead....I recognized the flute...I'm sorry.
She looked at Y/N in near tears, she was emotionally broken, she doesn't know what to think anymore.

Pyrrha: you did this to me!Y/N: I didn't want it to happen, I've been haunted of that day, for so long

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Pyrrha: you did this to me!
Y/N: I didn't want it to happen, I've been haunted of that day, for so long. I always wanted to take that moment back.
Pyrrha looked at Y/N with pain in her eyes, she then pulled out a dagger and stabbed Y/N in the stomach, making him keel forward.
Kali: Y/N!
Y/N coughed out blood as he went to one knee, looking at Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: Poison, goblins made it quite potent, just before slaughtering them like cattle.
Kali picked up a broom to hit Pyrrha, only for the broom to be stopped with one finger.
Pyrrha: shameful.
Ruby: Y/N.......
Y/N had a blank look on his face as blood was dripping from his mouth.
Y/N: I-I'm sorry.
The sound of a motorcycle was heard outside, Yang kicked open the door with her gauntlets ready.
Yang: Y/N! You get away for him?!
Pyrrha: and who might you be?
Yang: Yang Xiao Long L/N!
She cracked her knuckles, ready for a fight.
Blake: Yang No!
Pyrrha punched Yang in the face, sending her out the door, into a tree. The Grimm surrounded the two females in a circle, watching the two fight.
Kali: Y/N?!
Y/N: h-help her.....please.
Kali's eyes filled with tears as she got up and ran out side with a gun and began shooting at Pyrrha. Ruby and Blake ran to Y/N's side.
Blake: Daddy?!
Y/N: I-I'll be ok.....
He slowly got up, coughing up more blood.
Y/N: I-I must help.
Ruby: Y/N who is that?
Y/N: niece.
Ruby's eyes widened as Y/N grabbed his warhammer and limped out the door, holding his hand to where he was stabbed.
Y/N: I have to stop her....this....this is not her.
Electricity began to spark from his hands.
Y/N: I don't....have enough power, come!
Ruby: Stay with Y/N, I have an idea.
She ran to the battle and jumped over the Grimm to help Yang fight Pyrrha.
Yang had a black eye and a missing tooth, Pyrrha on the other hand looked just fine.
Yang: is...that all you got?
Pyrrha punched Yang in the face and then the throat, putting the blonde to her knees.
Pyrrha: no....I have so much more.
Ruby went to hit Pyrrha only for it to be blocked with one finger.
Pyrrha: I love the haircut.
She backhanded Ruby away and began to charge a black energy. Meanwhile
Y/N's fists were tightened as he struggled to get electricity surging through his body.
Kali: Y/N!
Y/N: I'm trying!
Kali threw the gun down and ran into the middle of the fight as well, punching Pyrrha in the face, making the dead red head lose her concentration.
Kali: you stabbed my husband.
Pyrrha stood up and cracked Kali right in the mouth.
Blake: Daddy you must help!
Y/N began to scream as the electricity still wasn't surging, blood was still dripping from his stomach.
Y/N: I....need....this.....POWER!
Y/N screamed out again, this time a lightning bolt curving inside the house and hitting Y/N in the chest. Y/N screamed out again, harnessing the same power he used when he took on Eli.
Y/N:'s pay!
Y/N ran out of the house, a blood trail still following him. The Grimm turned around to look at Y/N and they growled and began to charge him. Y/N stopped and punched the ground, creating a shockwave, sending the Grimm flying over the girls. He began to float into the air with a giant ball of electricity surrounding him.

Y/N: you aren't my niece! You hurt Yang! You hurt Ruby! You hurt my Wife! And you came after me while I was with my family, a low move! Now it's time

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Y/N: you aren't my niece! You hurt Yang! You hurt Ruby! You hurt my Wife! And you came after me while I was with my family, a low move! Now it's time.....TO PAY!
He screamed out as lightning bolts shot from his body, completely disintegrating all Grimm that were either charging or running away that were in the area. The electricity traveled around at random, still erasing the Grimm from existence.
Blake: you got this daddy.
Kali looked up and smiled.
Kali: I knew you'd be ok.
Ruby: Y/N!
Yang: you got this.....
Pyrrha: seems the poison wasn't as potent as I was told, no matter, you're just a shell of a man! I will enjoy picking the meat from your bones.

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