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3rd POV
Y/N was on the bed unconscious, surrounded by bottles of booze and beers. The wolf was laying next to him, both snoring.
Dream POV
Y/N was walking along the beach with a girl shorter than him. The sun was setting and the waves from the ocean were splashing up, allowing for a small mist of water. He looked down to the girl next to him, it was his Summer, this was the day he asked her to marry him, though she also got a gift for him.
Summer: thank you for taking me out Y/N....I had a lot of fun.
Y/N: we've been cooped up in Beacon for so long, might as well get away from it all.
Summer: you could've let me take care of dinner though?
Y/N: I was told to never let the girl you take out pay, to me it's a sign of disrespect for myself and the lady.
Summer: Y/ know what today is?
He smiled as her and pretended to think.
Y/N: is it....the first day of spring break.
Summer: no silly.
Y/N: kwanza?
Summer: no.
Y/N: I know!
He picked her up and he spun around with her, both laughing.
Y/N: Happy Anniversary babe.
Summer hugged him tightly, he hugged her back.
Summer: I got you this.
She pulled out a cube and gave it to Y/N.
Y/N: what is it?
Summer: press the button.
He did as told and the cube transformed into a warhammer. It was black and has a beautiful shine to it.
Y/N: I love it Summer...thank you.
He sheathed the warhammer and went on one knee.
Y/N: our time at Signal and Beacon really opened my eyes....will you marry me?
He pulled out a ring, tears entered her eyes.
Summer: Yes!
Y/N got up with a face full of happiness and he put the ring on her finger.
Summer: it's beautiful!
They both kissed each other as the waves spouted up, the sun setting behind them and their shadows traveling along the beach.
Dream End.
Y/N's eyes shot open, he held his chest, breathing heavily as he looked around. His wolf looked at him with a look of concern.
Y/N: I'm fine Dog....
He laid back down and tried to relax. He looked to his right on the nightstand, pushed a few beer cans to the ground and grabbed the ring from his dream. He looked at it, the diamond shining on the top. He then looked over at his black warhammer and sighed.
Y/N: another day in paradise.
He put the ring back on his nightstand and closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
Outside his room.
Kali sat with the girls, telling them stories of fantasy.
Kali: the dragon stood tall, it's wings the size of castle walls, teeth like swords, armor like iron. The knight walked up to the dragon on his noble steed and asked to get in.
Ruby: then what?
Kali: well the dragon was a cheap creature, caring only for gold and shiny things, he wanted the night to pay a fine.
Yang: what was the fine?
Kali: something he treasured dearly....we will continue this story before its bed time for you two.
Yang and Ruby: Aw!
Kali: you will thank me later young ones.
After a few hours Y/N got up and walked out of his room.
Y/N: I'll make dinner I guess.
Kali: do you think I could...I mean after all, you allowed me to come into your home and you saved my life, please, it's the least I could do.
Y/N: box is right there.
He walked over to his chair and sat down, he was still tired.
Ruby: how nap?
Y/N: horrible.
Kali: hey Y/N, what's this meat with a lot of fat?
Y/N: is it beef red or a darker red?
Kali: darker.
Y/N: that's bear, if you cook that then make sure you cook it at atleast 140 degrees, I'm not going to catch a parasite.
Yang: parasite?
Y/N: bear meat carries a parasite, if you cook it over 140 degrees then you'll be fine.
Y/N then got up and started walking to the door.
Kali: where are you going?
Y/N: make sure no one is coming on my land.
He left the house, the girls nodded and ran into his room. They looked at all the bottles and the messed up bed. Yang walked over to the nightstand to see the ring.
Ruby: pretty.
Yang: let's not touch it.
They both saw his warhammer.
Ruby and Yang: woah!
Kali: come on girls, you don't know what's in there, hey what vegetables do you like?
Yang: carrots.
Ruby: potatoes.
Kali: want to learn how to make a stew with bear? I know we had stew yesterday, but I doubt he did something special with bear meat.
Yang: sure!
Yang grabbed a chair and put it next to Kali.
Kali: we need to cut off the fat, bear meat it very very greasy. We then cut it into chunks that's not too much in the mouth, but not too little to the point that we just have broth in our mouth.
Yang: ooooooh
Ruby went to the front door and opened it, she saw Y/N's foot prints in the dirt and followed, unknowingly of what he's doing.
Bandit: this should be a nice place for an outpost, let Derrick know.
Bandit: right away.
One of the bandits got up, only to have his head put into a tree by an angry alcoholic.
Y/N: you tell Derrick that if I see any of you or his men again I will personally set his main camp into flames.
The bandits readied their weapons. Y/N didn't have his warhammer or his bow, he only had his strength and his skill. One of the men rushed him, only to get punched, sent flying into a tree. The bandit saw what Y/N did and quickly sheathed his weapon.
Bandit: yeah I'll let him know.
Y/N: thank you.
He turned around to see the little girl with the silver eyes looking right up at him.
Y/N: so you wander?

A New Start (Kali Belladonna X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now