Tai and Y/N

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3rd POV
Tai: why?!
Y/N: your drinking is the reason why the girls ran away, that's why they used to fear me! Drinking leads to abuse, I drank non stop when Summer left and believe me I know that pain, I know what you went through when she died, but you took out your frustrations on the kids, the ones that looked up to you!
Tai: listen, I know what I've done, I can't stop thinking about them.
Y/N grabbed Tai by the shirt and picked him up. He then slammed Tai against the wall of his house.
Y/N: I know you stopped thinking about them, a real man wouldn't have stopped looking! You are nothing more than a rodent!
Y/N threw him to the ground, making him skid across the grass. Y/N cracked his knuckles and looked down at Tai. The crow and raven landed on a branch to see Y/N toss around Tai.
Y/N: how did you find my home?
Tai: I followed the tracks from Yang's bike here.
Y/N gritted his teeth as he kicked Tai in the head, the crow and raven laughing in the trees.
Tai: listen, I'm sorry.....I know it's not enough.
Y/N: it's not enough....because I'm not the one you should be apologizing to you sick mutt.
Tai: may I see Ruby.......please?
Y/N untightened his fists and yelled out to the wolf.
Y/N: Dog! Get Ruby.
Silverstride went to the house to get Ruby, who walked out with tears in her eyes.
Tai: Ruby....
Ruby: hi Tai.
Tai: how are you?
Ruby: fine....
Tai: I like the new hairstyle.
Ruby: thanks.....
Tai: Ruby listen.....I want to apologize.
Ruby: ok.....
Y/N gave a dirty look at Tai.
Tai: who was that girl you were with? A friend?
Ruby: my little sister...
Kali watched with Blake through the window.
Blake: mommy, who is that man?
Kali: Blake....that's Yang's and Ruby's real father.....Daddy found them some hours before I met him....he knew what they went through just by looking at them, he told me he found them by a beat up shack he was inside.
Blake: is that why they call him Y/N instead of "Daddy"?
Kali: Yes Blake, but don't let that mean they aren't any less family, those girls changed your father's life for the better, when I met him he was a grumpy man, though I did find out why....these girls helped him.
Blake: ooooh
Y/N stood with his hand on Ruby's shoulder.
Y/N: head back inside speedster.
She nodded and ran back inside.
Y/N: go with her dog.
Silverstride nodded and ran in with Ruby. Y/N then looked at Tai, he then picked up his warhammer.
Tai: you still have that thing? After all of these years?
Y/N breathed in heavily.
Y/N: you have five seconds to leave this place, and you will never return.
Tai: I'm sorry for everything Y/N.
Y/N: leave.....now.
Tai sighed and walked off, Y/N sheathed his warhammer and walked back to the house. He opened the door, immediately being hugged by Ruby.
Ruby: thank you Y/N!
Ruby was crying as her arms were wrapped around him. Y/N put his arms around her and hugged her back.
Y/N: I know....it's hard.....I want to apologize for putting you out there..
Ruby: thank you for making me confront my past....hey Y/N, I have a question for you.
Y/N: sure thing.
Ruby: when you were growing up....what was your childhood like.
Y/N's face sank, his straight face quickly filled up with disappointment and sorrow.
Kali: Y/N?
Y/N was about to speak before closing his mouth. He then took a deep breath and exhaled.
Y/N: my mother....well she was alright, always quiet, well that's mainly because my father kept her that way. He also showed me...how to be good, extend his hand give me all five when I dropped a weapon. Threw me in a closet for eight hours, show me how to do good. My father....taught me a lot.....
Ruby's eyes filled with tears as she hugged Y/N again, now knowing that they both share a similar pain.

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