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3rd POV
The rain continued to pour as 3 horsemen walked, one with a girl with chains around her arms, being walked in the mud, she looked tired,
Horsemen: watch the freak, we need to let our horses drink.
They stopped and got off their horses, they pulled the young lady over and threw her into the mud.
Horsemen: better take a breath while you can worm.
He got got up and filled his canteen with water. The young lady got up while all the men were turned and made a run for it, with the chain dragging in the mud.
Horsemen: Hey!
Horsemen: hold it....she won't get far.
She ran through the forest through the beating rain, the mud slowing her down tremendously, she was breathing heavily. She fell face first into the mud, the chains around her wrists making it hard for her to get up. Mud covered the entire front of her body as she began coughing.
Horsemen: there you are.
She looked up as tears entered her eyes.
Horsemen: put her against the tree.
Faunus: NO!
The scream echoed through the forest, luring a certain loner from his home.  The men put her against the tree, her back to them.
Horsemen: rip the back park of that blouse. She's gonna feel this more than any of the others.
They ripped the back as the other man readied the chain, this was a special one, to be aerodynamic like a whip, also hurts more than a whip. He lashed it at her back, making her scream in pain. There was a massive cut on her back after one hit from the chain, he lashed her again, she began crying as the blood ran down her back.
Horsemen: come on, scream for us! After all, this is what you wanted! You ran! You knew what would happen!
He lashed her again, making more blood fly, she screamed out in pain.
Faunus: I'm sorry!
Horsemen: you aren't sorry...yet, how many more lashings boys?
Horsemen: another ten more should teach her right.
The horsemen holding the chain smirked.
Horsemen: well alright then.
She was whipped again, making her scream out again, crying more. Y/N walked up with a tight grip on the Warhammer, seeing the female Faunus getting whipped.
Horsemen: who is that?
They all stopped to look at Y/N who stood their with a look of disgust.
Horsemen: what do you want?
Y/N: I suggest you leave this poor girl alone, or else, final warning.
They threw her to the ground.
Horsemen: looks to me we have a tou-
Y/N whacked one of the men upside the head, snapping his neck with the hit, leaving him on the ground. He looked at the dead man on the ground and then looked up at the other two.
Y/N: I suggest you get back on your horses and get out of here, and if I catch you or anyone else in my area, hurting Faunus or anyone, I'm going to give you a worst fate then your buddy here, do I make myself clear?
Horsemen: I-a-u.
Y/N: do I make myself clear boys?
Horsemen: yes sir!
Y/N: good, help her up.
They bent down and helped her up and put her against the tree to lean on.
Y/N: have a nice night.
They ran off on their horses, not looking back. Y/N looked at the Faunus and walked up to her.
Y/N: put your hand around me, I have medical supplies.
She did as he told and he helped her.
Y/N picked her up bridal style and walked back to the cabin and put her on the couch.
Yang: Y/N, your st- who's this?
Y/N: no clue, go by the kitchen, just before is a door on the right, go in there and grab the first aid kit, it has a Red Cross on it.
She nodded and ran in, bringing out a huge box. Y/N grabbed it and placed it on the floor, he grabbed a rag and put a liquid on it.
Y/N: this will clean the wounds.
He put it on her wounds, making her tear a bit, still very sore spots.
Y/N: I'm going to put some morphine in you, I'm going to stitch you up. Yang turn off the stove.
Yang nodded and quickly ran to the kitchen and turned off the stove. Y/N put the needle into the Faunus and injected her with morphine. He quickly started to close the wounds and stitched her up. She felt pain, but not as bad as it would be without the morphine. He finished stitching her up and he grabbed a green glass thing and cracked it.
Yang: what's that Y/N?
Y/N: helps the skin come together more, it'll also heavily decrease infection and will make her less sore.
He rubbed it against her back, making her hair stand up real quick until finally calming back down.
Yang: she has kitty parts.
Y/N: she's a Faunus, and I've done all I can do....I need a drink.
He went to the kitchen and poured himself a shot. He left the shot on the table and brought the bottle with him, chugging it down.
Y/N: almost forgot.
He walked back into the house to see the stew was almost done.
Y/N: time certainly flies.
He turned the heat back on until it was finished, he then turned it off and made four bowls. He grabbed a wooden ladle and put some of the rabbit stew into the bowls. He put two of them in front of the girls, he also put one next to the couch the Faunus was on, he then sat in his chair and quickly ate it.
Y/N: that has to be one of the better things I've cooked in a kitchen, definitely can't beat a fire.
Yang: hey Y/N, will she be alright?
Y/N: only time will tell.
He put a piece of rabbit in his mouth and swallowed without chewing.
Ruby: chew food!
Y/N: I'll do what I want.
Yang: what is this?
Y/N: rabbit stew I made from things I found in an ice box.
Ruby: Bunny?
Y/N: yes little girl, it's a bunny.
Yang: why would you eat a bunny?
Y/N: because you can't complain with what you find, I would've went hunting tonight but I had to watch you two and take care of this girl, early morning and I'm heading out to find bear.
Moaning was heard from the couch and Y/N got up to the open eyes of the Faunus.
????: what happened?
Y/N: judging from your other wounds, you've been beaten for weeks, breaking away at your mind. Eat some stew.
She looked at the brown next to the couch and reached for it. She slowly moved to sit up straight. She put the spoon into the stew and put some of it in her mouth.
????: thank you.....what happened mister?
Y/N: I found you outside with a bunch of punks outside making noise, they were beating you with a chain, I just gave them a warning and killed one of them.
She seemed a bit unsettled and then put more stew in her mouth.
????: this's so good, best thing I've months.
Y/N: glad you liked it.
Ruby and Yang's head slammed on the table, they were out. Y/N sighed and got up, he picked up the two girls and walked them to his room and put them on his bed, he came back out and closed the door, then sitting back on his chair to eat his food. A crow was seen in the window ledge, Y/N sighed and slammed the window on the crow, making a huge thud and making it hit the ground.
He looked at the Faunus who was sleeping on the couch, he picked her up and put her on the hunting bed, the one he normally sleeps on when he gets back and needs to rest. He walked outside to the porch and sat on a chair and pulled out a flask.
Y/N: please be bourbon.

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