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3rd POV
Y/N walked back to the house with Ruby in hand. He opened the door to see Kali and Yang with a stew in hand.
Y/N: is this what you were talking about Ruby?
Ruby: yep yep.
He put her down and grabbed the bowl.
Y/N: anything in here that will kill me?
Kali: I hope not.
Y/N smirked as he put a fork in the stew.
Kali: how is it.
Y/N: that is.....probably the best stew I have ever eaten in my life....
He said this with a straight face, he grabbed one of his wooden spoons and began eating while standing in the kitchen. Kali and Yang both looked at each other with a raised eye brow.
Kali: you seem.....really happy?
Y/N: something came over me, just in a really good mood.
Ruby: we smash bottles!
Yang: like....drink bottles?
Y/N: yes....I smashed some of my booze.
Yang and Kali looked at each other again.
Kali: I've only known you for about a day or So, and you're scaring me.
Y/N finished the bowl of stew and held his stomach.
Y/N: anymore of that stew?
The wolf walked up and sat down next to Ruby.
Ruby: we need name you.
Kali: doesn't he have a name?
Y/N: he's Dog, but I made a deal with Ruby, you kids name the animal and if I like it I will use it.
Yang and Ruby both looked at each other. The wolf got up and walked towards the couch and laid down.
Ruby: Silver.
Yang: Lilac.....wait, is he a boy or a girl?
Y/N: boy.
Yang: Stew!
Ruby: Onion!
Yang: Hondo!
Ruby: Wayne!
Yang: Silverstride!
Y/N: I actually like that one.
Kali: Silverstride?
Y/N: yep.
He walked over to the wolf.
Y/N: hey bud.
The wolf lifted his head and it raised its eye brow. Kali walked over to Y/N and sat down next to him.
Y/N: relax, I'm fine.
Ruby: I was shock to, he slam flask.
Kali: you slammed your flask?
Y/N:....I was in a very good mood, I still am.
He got up and went into his room, the sounds of bottle clanking was heard. The sound of a window creaking was heard, followed with the sound of bottles breaking outside.
Kali: must be in a very good mood.
Timeskip to night.
Y/N fell asleep on the couch with his wolf next to him, Ruby and Yang were on the floor talking to Kali.
Yang: what happened at those camps?
Kali: horrible things, we were treated as lesser beings, and the work was demeaning.
Yang: what kind of work?
Kali: they would make us lift rocks, cook for our captors, grow food, find clean water, everything the average person doesn't need to do.
Yang: did Y/N find you with people?
Kali: he did, I was getting whipped with a chain, I would still be with them if he didn't come in, though violent, I definitely owe him more than a simple bowl of stew.
She looked at him sleeping peacefully, not grumpy or anything.
Kali: he's kinda cute when he sleeps.
Yang: do you.....
Kali: I just met him, I still don't know a lot about him, he definitely needs to open up more, but I'm glad he's taking strides.
The sounds of horses were heard galloping outside, the sound of screaming was also heard.
Kali: I know those screams....
Y/N: that's my cue.
He got up and grabbed his warhammer.
Y/N: I'll be back.
He walked through the door, leaving the ladies inside the house.
Kali: why don't you two go to bed.
Ruby: won't he be sleeping in his bed?
Kali: I'll stay up then, I want to talk to him when he gets back.
Yang: oh....bow wow chicka wow wow.
Kali: where did you learn that?
Yang laughed as she picked up Ruby and went into Y/N newly cleaned Bedroom.
After an hour Kali did pass out on the couch, Y/N walked back into the house with blood on his hands, he closed the door, startling Kali awake.
Y/N: sorry.
Kali: are you wounded?!
Y/N: no, they wouldn't go without a fight, I gave them plenty of opportunities.
Kali: I see.
Y/N. The blood isn't from them, the Faunus were alone and starving, I showed them how to hunt, so I gave them a buck, the blood is from the animal.
Kali: well...that's better I guess.
Y/N: where are the girls?
Kali: sleeping, I wanted to talk to you.
Y/N turned around and looked at the door, he then looked back  at Kali.
Y/N: me?
Kali: yes you, sit down at the table, I'll warm up the stew.
Y/N: well uh....thank you?

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