The Final Battle

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3rd POV
Mal caught the launched Y/N and slammed him into the ground and threw him like he was nothing. Y/N skidded across the ground as more blood flew from his body. Mal's long arm stretched over and grabbed Y/N, throwing him again. Y/N flew through the air, landing inside his home through the ceiling.
Kali: Y/N!
The arm blocked Kali from going in.
Mal: well hello there Kali.
Kali shot at Mal, who just knocked her over and grabbed her, picked her up. His hand wrapped around her as she was brought face to face with the demonic beast.
Mal: well aren't honestly think you can hurt me in this form, you're nothing but Faunus, you may have some advantages over humans, but you always crumble when family is involved.
Kali rolled her eyes and tried to stab Mal with a knife.
Mal: cute.
He threw Kali to the side, making her hit a tree.
Mal: I'll deal with you later though, one I break Y/N, it will all be worth the wait.
Y/N walked out of his house, the electricity surging was slowing down, he was gradually getting weaker.
Y/N: I don't good.
Mal grabbed Y/N by the throat and picked him up, choking the guy.
Mal: you're near complete, all I must do is break your body.
Y/N looked at the unconscious Kali, the girls going around her to make sure she is alright.
Y/N: I won't....let
Mal: but I've already have Y/N, don't you see? I destroyed your entire life, your father, your best friend, your niece, now, you!
An arrow cane from no where, nailing Mal right in the neck, then causing a massive explosion of light. Mal yelled out in pain, dropping the weakened Y/N. In the distance Casandra was in a tree with a glowing bow with golden arrows.
Casandra: lay off him!
Y/N: C-Casandra?
Mal looked at Casandra and growled.
Mal: I should've ripped that flower out of the ground when I first put you there!
Mal went to grab Casandra who jumped out of the tree and ran towards Mal.
Casandra: I'll hold him off, try and get some of your strength back!
Y/N looked at the hole in his stomach, he was breathing heavy, his arm strength was greatly decreasing.
Ruby: Y/N!
Ruby's eyes filled with tears as Mal stepped in front of the girls in his fight with Casandra. A bright silver light cake from behind, hurting Mal.
He punted Ruby to the side with one of his hands, making her bleed all over.
Mal: daughter of Summer Rose, I knew there was something that kept you here Y/N, I could never figure it out though....a silver eyed warrior in the making.
Casandra: stay away from her!
She shot Mal in the neck, making him yell out in pain.
Mal: I've had enough of you!
He grabbed Casandra and began to squeeze, making her yell out in pain. Her screams echoed through the forest, they were filled with pain. Mal smiled as he snapped Casandra's back, making the screaming cease. Mal then dropped the girl to the ground right in front of the weakened Y/N, who couldn't do anything but look at her dead eyes.
Y/N: I-I'm sorry........
Mal grabbed the unconscious Ruby and smiled.
Mal: what a cute little thing....she would be a great part of my collection.
Yang went to punch Mal who only slapped her away. Y/N gripped the ground harder, though blood was still pouring from his stomach.
‼️(Start the music now if you want)‼️
Y/N: No.......I am not going to stand by.
Mal: hm?
Y/N glared up at Mal who had an evil smile on his face as he held the unconscious Ruby. Lightning came from the sky and struck down on Y/N, his fists tightened and his eyes filled with rage. He launched at Mal and punched him right in the face, making him drop Ruby.
Y/N picked up and threw Mal to the ground, making the giant slide across the ground. Y/N landed on the ground and continued running towards Mal. Mal looked at Y/N and went to hit the angered man, only for his hand to be pushed to the side.
Mal: What?!
Y/N punched Mal again, sending the creature flying again. Mal quickly got up and punched Y/N in the chest, knocking the man back, though quickly getting up and charging again.
Mal: how!?
Y/N grabbed Mal's arm and ripped it off, making darkness spew from his back as it was ripped out. Mal yelled out in pain as Y/N threw the arm to the side and punched him in the face.
Mal: your power disappeared! The poison should've killed you!
Y/N: I'm still kicking!
Y/N kicked Mal in the face and lifted the beast up. Mal then grabbed Y/N and began to crush him.
Mal: I'll be having the last laugh here!
Electricity surrounded Y/N, then shooting outwards and blowing off Mal's hand, making the demonic beast scream out in pain.
Mal: No!
Y/N then yelled out as he grabbed Mal's face and began punching it. Y/N pulled out his warhammer and punted Mal in the jaw, sending him sliding across the ground. Mal put up his remaining hands for surrender. Y/N continued to run, he then jumped up, yelling at the top of his lungs.
Mal: NO!
Y/N: Time to die!
Y/N slammed down, on Mal's hands, completely disintegrating them, leaving only his body. Y/N then took the hammer and lifted it over his head when he landed, then slamming it on Mal's head.
(Stop the music)
Y/N pulled his hammer from the body and sheathed it. He began to walk away, his stomach wound was completely healed from the lightning, though he's still limping.
He then felt something sharp hit him, then going through him and showing from his chest, a black spike went through, making the man's eyes widen and blood come from his mouth.

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