True Form

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3rd POV
Y/N's fist were tightened as he looked down at Pyrrha, the lightning surging from his body, he was filled with nothing but rage.
Pyrrha: you have the first move.
Y/N gritted his teeth as he yelled out and tackled Pyrrha, he had so much strength he pushed her along the ground. He punched her square in the jaw, sending her flying through the forest. Y/N caught up to punch her again, she fight his punch however and kicked him in the neck.
Y/N flew like a bullet into the ground. He quickly emerged and launched at Pyrrha. Both of their punches collided, creating a massive plunge of dirt that could be seen from the house. Y/N yelled out as the lightning surging through his body began to change color.
Pyrrha: what the?
The lightning turned black with purple lining.
Y/N: You're not Pyrrha.....she died by my hand. You're nothing more than a copy, she was never vengeful.....I regret what I've done for almost twenty years, I will not let my guilt get in the way again!
Y/N screamed out causing black lightning to shoot through the trees, causing them to collapse. Pyrrha got in her battle stance and prepared for the next hit. Y/N launched at her and punched her in the face, sending her flying upwards. Y/N put his hands together, lightning coming from the sky and striking Pyrrha downwards. She landed hard enough to create a massive dirt plume, but quickly got up and threw her weapon at Y/N.
The weapon nailed him in his left shoulder, making Y/N yell out in pain.
Y/N: I....will not be slowed by a spear!
Pyrrha: how about this?
She punched Y/N in the neck, making him keel forward, trying to breath. She then kicked Y/N in the face, sending him to his back.
Pyrrha: you're right, I'm no longer your niece, I'm something more.
Y/N looked at her and gritted his teeth.
Pyrrha: once I'm done with you, I'm going to end your family as you watch helpless, and once they are dead, I'll leave you, I want you to know true pain.
Y/N slowly got up and looked at her, she then looked at his stomach.
Pyrrha: you're losing blood, that power may have stopped the poison, but once you're back to normal the poison will spread, giving you a truly painful death.
Y/N just stared at Pyrrha before decking her in the neck, putting her to her knees.
Y/N: I right?
Pyrrha looked up at Y/N with anger in her eyes.
Pyrrha: I'm not holding back anymore!
A dark power began to surround her, entering every opening on her body, turning her from Pyrrha into something horrifying. Four arms emerged from her sides as the face of Pyrrha began to split.
The face split apart completely, no longer Pyrrha, but a monster. Red eyes, black teeth with an even blacker skin. Four arms and wings, now having a male voice, deep and menacing.
??????: your memories don't seem to haunt you right now....looks like I had to show my true form.
Y/N: what are you?!
?????: Let me formally introduce myself, I am Mal, the strongest thing you will ever fight in this world.
Y/N: You....used my dead haunt me!
Mal: exactly, the only way to get within your head, just like Eli, he was supposed to be like your father, treats you and every other member of your family like dirt. You overpowered Eli with your rage, that had me most impressed, even saving your ex wife, the same woman who treated you like an outcast in the family, you survived for a long time, guess who made Summer leave, guess who killed her!
Y/N: you're the reason!?
Mal: I kept her up at night, I am the reason she left you, she fought hard, but to no avail she lost, I used my power and I killed her, I ripped her apart like the so called Huntress she is!
Y/N's eyes teared up and were filled with rage.
Y/N: I.....
Mal: now I've broken you!
Y/N: I'm going to.....KILL YOU!
Y/N yelled out, more electricity surging through his body as he launched at Mal.

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