Faunus Talk

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3rd POV
The sun rose over the horizon as Y/N dropped the fifth bottle of liquor next to his chair. He got up and opened the door to grab his bow and he walked into the wilderness.
About an hour later the Faunus girl woke up and looked around, the wolf was laying on the floor snoring. She sat up straight and slowly started to get up. After standing up she started walking to the door, only to have it opened by Y/N.
Y/N: you're up early.
He walked in holding three raccoons.
????: raccoons? What are they for?
Y/N: because they're useless and contribute nothing to life, so I decided to give them purpose in cooking them.
He brought them into the kitchen area and began skinning them.
Y/N: alright...what's your name?
????: my name?
Y/N: everyone has one.
????: my name is Kali...
Y/N: Kali, not a very common name.
Kali: not as rare as a man saving a Faunus.
Y/N: people bother me....sit.
He ripped off one of the legs and put it in  the pan and it started cooking. He was ripping the meat from the bones and continued to put it in the hot pan. He ripped off another leg, then the one raccoon looked at Y/N.
Kali: it's alive!
The raccoon screamed at Y/N and tackled him and put him to the ground. A crow landed on the window sill again, watching Y/N as he fought with the raccoon. The raccoon was scratching at Y/N's face, though he luckily ripped it off.
He threw the thing at the window. The crow screamed before getting hit by the raccoon.
The girls came walking in.
Yang: what's with all the noise? Why is your face all scratched up Y/N?
Y/N was breathing heavy as he looked at the raccoon body on his table.
Y/N: I....hate....Raccoons.
He grabbed the other carcass and shoved it into the pan without skinning it.
Yang: you're cooking a raccoon?
Y/N: was.
He picked up the pan and threw it out the window. He then walked over to the ice box and grabbed a beer. Yang's eyes widened and she quickly ran away in fear. Kali noticed this and was about to say something until he put his finger up and finished chugging the bottle. He threw the bottle out the window, hitting the raccoon that just woke up.
Kali: your daughter...she seemed scared.
Y/N: not mine.
He reached inside the ice box and grabbed an entire bottle of Vodka. Her eyes widened as he sat down and twisted the top off the brand new bottle and started drinking.
Kali: how can you drink so early in the morning?
Y/N: hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere in the world.
He started drinking from the bottle again.
Kali: well....you said she wasn't yours, who's is she?
Y/N: her mother and Uncle asked me to look after her and her sister after they ran from an abusive father, belt marks on her arm told me all I needed to know about the father.
Kali: did you know them?
Y/N: I did, I knew Tai from college, all of them were on the same team.
Kali. You mentioned another girl, can I meet her?
Y/N: she's in my room.
Kali: you put them in your room?
Y/N: I gave you the hunting bed, I gave them my bed, and I decided to sleep else where, one because I don't know you and I don't know those girls.
He chugged down more of the vodka, leaving half a bottle. She then got up and walked over to his room to see Yang against the wall with Ruby.
Kali: are you alright?
Yang: drinking leads to beatings.
Kali looked back at the open door.
Kali: has he ever hit you?
Yang: no....
Kali: come with me in the living room, you and I can talk about it if you want.
Yang shook her head yes as she grabbed Kali's hand and grabbed Ruby along and brought her along. She sat down, though she could hear the empty Vodka bottle hit the table.
Y/N: damn.
Kali: alright...what's your name?
Yang: I'm Yang and this is Ruby.
Kali: my name is Kali, now, take a seat next to me.
They sat down next to her.
Kali: what happened?
Yang: my family heard the news of our mother, Summer Rose, dying and my father went off the deep end, coming home every night drunk, and when he's drunk it was either Ruby or me that got the belt.
Ruby showed Kali the black mark on her arm from the last belt whipping.
Kali: I am so sorry that happened to you.
Yang: it's fine, Y/N found us after we ran away, yesterday just like when he found you. How did he find you?
Kali: I was with a bunch of racist horsemen, wanted to use me to work in the labor camps, they killed my best friend Ghira....
Ruby: sowwy for your loss.
Kali: it's nice hearing that....thank you.
Ruby went over Yang and pat Kali on the arm. Kali smiled at the little girl who stared up at her with her silver eyes. The sound of pounding on the door was heard, the wolf woke up and began growling.
Y/N: Dog!
The wolf walked back to Y/N who got up to answer it.
Ruby: who is it?
Y/N opened the door to see a bunch of people in cowboy hats. At the back were the two horsemen he let live.
Y/N: what do you want?
?????: let me introduce myself, my name is Dusty, I'm the leader of these fine men. We heard that a man in the woods murdered one of our own, and stole some property from us.
Y/N: never heard of him.
Y/N went to close the door before Dusty stopped it.
Dusty: no one closes a door on me.
Y/N: I just did.
Dusty pulled out a revolver and put it to Y/N's head.
Yang: Y/N?
Dusty: your daughter in there?
The tiny Ruby ran up to Y/N's leg.
Ruby: who that?
Y/N: back inside, Dog, watch her.
The wolf walked up to Ruby and picked her up and walked over to the couch and placed her down and stood in front.
Y/N: I'm going out for a bit, Dog stay inside under all circumstances.
Y/N closed the door behind him and Dusty lowered his weapon.
Dusty: care to talk?
Y/N: no not really.

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