A Walk

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3rd POV
Y/N set the kids down and gave them both drinks.
Yang: Hey Y/N?
Y/N: yes Yang?
Yang: who was that lady?
Ruby: she rude.
Y/N: that was Diane, my second wife....she kicked me out of the house and she expects me to take it, listen, I love my son, but I'm not going over to see what he's become, I'd rather think of him as more of a hunter.
Yang and Ruby both looked up at him.
Y/N: you two relax, the wolf will watch you.
He walked out of the house to see Kali smiling at him with a broken stick.
Kali: hi Y/N.
Y/N: Kali....may I ask what the stick is for?
Kali: Oh you know how those wild animals are, you just have to beat them with a stick until they run faster.
Y/N: I see, well I hope it was a Raccoon you hit.
Kali: no, but definitely was vermin.
Y/N: ready for this walk?
Kali: yep.
They both walked into the woods, Kali had her hands behind her back, the birds could be heard through the trees.

They both walked into the woods, Kali had her hands behind her back, the birds could be heard through the trees

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They walked close and slowly, hearing the sounds of nature surround them.
In front of them three deer trotted along, a baby then stopped and looked at both of them.
Kali: aw.
It then quickly ran to its parents, graceful like a butterfly.
Y/N: this is nice Kali, this definitely is a better first date option.
Kali: so it was a date?
Y/N: I'm pretty sure I confirmed that last night.
Kali: I know you did....but I wanted to say it, maybe get you flustered.
Y/N: not likely.
Kali smirked and slapped Y/N's back.
Kali: you're it!
She ran ahead into the woods, leaving
Y/N with a smirk on his face. He then ran after her, following the trail she left behind. She was laughing away as Y/N followed her. She started going down hill, Y/N stood on top of the hill as she tripped and rolled down.
Y/N: Kali!
She continued laughing, got up and ran again. On a cliff above two figures stood and watched down on them.
Casandra: beautiful thing isn't it?
Summer: it's nice to see him smile again.
She faded away as Casandra sat down and watched.
Where was a flowing river, Kali ran across it, getting her clothes from the leg down completely drenched. Y/N continued running after her, until finally catching her, he put her against a tree, where they both began to laugh. The laughing then stopped as they both looked into eachother's eyes. Y/N out two fingers under her chin and then went in kissing her. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed back, both falling to the ground on Y/N's back.
Two hours later at the house.
The time was six P.M, the girls still full from lunch, though tired.
Yang: I spy with my little eye something white.
Ruby: light?
Yang: no.
Ruby: ice box?
Yang: correct.
The door opened revealing Y/N and Kali getting back into the house.
Ruby: you're back!
Yang: how was the....walk?
Kali's dress was covered with dirt and grass and Y/N had lipstick on his cheek.
Yang: time for bed Ruby.
She got up and winked at Y/N and brought Ruby into the bed room.
Y/N: I really need to make those kids their own bedroom, that's what the log by the house is for....hey Kali, did you have fun?
Kali: I did....I'm glad you asked me out.
She walked towards the hunting bed. She yawned and went to sleep, the day took a heavy toll on her. Y/N smiled and went into the bedroom, the girls were in their pajamas and tucked themselves in.
Ruby: story?
Y/N: I'm no good with stories.
Yang: how about one with your past, when you were a young and energetic huntsman.
Y/N smiled as he sat on the foot of the bed.
Y/N: I don't even know where to begin, well before drinking, fighting was my way to get buzzed, so against the orders of the headmaster I went out to fight bandits and Grimm alike. This was before I was skilled and still young and dumb, I think I can take on an alpha Beowulf, I mean they couldn't be that difficult right?
Ruby: right!
Y/N: wrong, I see the thing and I charge it, with one of its massive paws it slapped me to the side as if I was a tin can. I looked up to see it moving and getting prepared to launch at me. When it did I rolled out of the way, pulled out my sword and slashed at its leg.
Yang: you had a sword?
Y/N: my weapon before the warhammer.
Ruby: cool!
Y/N: it looked at me with those evil eyes and it growled, I yelled out "you think you can take me on!", it roared as it tackled me to the ground, it's breath hot with death, I wasn't going to let it kill me, it filled me with rage, and my semblance saved me, just before Qrow came in and helped me out.
Ruby: what is your semblance?
Y/N: with extreme rage, electricity runs through my veins, making me a lightning rod, and a deadly foe.
Yang: that's so cool!

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