10 Years Later

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3rd POV
Y/N walked outside the house, it was fall, leaves fell to the ground ever so often. He sat down on a chair and took a deep breath and gave a slight smile as the sun was high over the forest. Y/N leaned back and looked at his warhammer laying against the side of the house.
Y/N: hard to believe everything is so peaceful, Kali needs to see this at some point.
Y/N saw the branches of the trees moving, like something was in them. From the leaves fell a young girl, flat onto the ground, then getting up like nothing happened.
Y/N: you alright?
Blake: yes Daddy.

(All credit goes to artist)Y/N: you be careful, I don't want you getting hurt to bad

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(All credit goes to artist)
Y/N: you be careful, I don't want you getting hurt to bad.
Blake: alright daddy.
She went back to climbing the tree, leaving Y/N to close his eyes and go to sleep. Kali walked out of the house to see Y/N sleeping.
Kali: he's always peaceful in the fall.
The sound of a motorcycle was heard, making Y/N's eye shoot open as he quickly got up and grabbed his warhammer.
Kali: Y/N....it's only Yang.
Y/N: Kali, I really regret building that thing for her.
Kali: she'll grow tired of it eventually.
Ruby cane out of the house with a cardboard scythe, swinging it around.
Ruby: Huah!
Y/N: Ruby?
Ruby: sorry, no fake weapons on the porch.
Y/N: no not that, if you are using a big weapon like that then you have to tighten your grip slightly and keep your hands farther apart.
Ruby's eyes sparkled.
Ruby: thanks Y/N!

(All credit goes to artist)She ran off to the tree Blake was in

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(All credit goes to artist)
She ran off to the tree Blake was in.
Yang, now age 17, she got a bike for her birthday, she is on it every chance she can get. Ruby is a little over the age of 12, she recently got into weaponry, wanted to make a scythe next time she sees Qrow, God knows when that will be.
Then we have little Blake, she's 10, and just wants attention.
The bike pulled up, Yang took off her helmet and smiled at Y/N and Kali.
Yang: morning grumpy.

(All credit goes to artist)Y/N: morning soon to be Beacon Student

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(All credit goes to artist)
Y/N: morning soon to be Beacon Student.
Yang: how did we even get in, I mean, I don't think we're rich.
Y/N: I know people girl, don't forget that.
Yang: alright Y/N, hey is it alright I can sleep at Weiss' tonight, she's having a sleep over?
Y/N: any guys?
Yang: no Y/N.
Y/N: I know she's your friend, that Whitley kid is trouble, stay away from him under all circumstances, if he tries anything, you have my permission to deck him in the head.
Yang: glad to hear, alright, I'll see ya two later.
Kali: take lots of pictures!
Y/N: no don't! I don't want to see teenagers in their pajamas Kali, you know this.
Kali: she's your daughter.
Y/N: I know that, but I don't want to see what they wear when their at other houses.
Yang: bye guys, love you.
She drove off on her bike, leaving a track on the grass.
Y/N: she's never gonna change.
Yang POV
I was driving through the trees, I went a different way since I was told by Winter that this way was much quicker, just a few more turns. Little did I know what I was about to see.

I stopped my bike and looked at the wooden house, I got off it and walked closer to it, the fallen leaves crunching under each step I took

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I stopped my bike and looked at the wooden house, I got off it and walked closer to it, the fallen leaves crunching under each step I took. I stood on the trail, looking at the house, the home I ran away from with Ruby, all those years ago. The door opened, a man with yellow hair walked out with a satchel. We locked eyes as he dropped his satchel. I was filled with many emotions, I don't know why I even bothered getting off my bike.
3rd POV
Tai: Y-Yang?
Yang remained silent with her arms folded, she then sighed and walked back to her bike.
Tai: I missed you and Ruby. I was looking for you both.
Yang: was that a week after realizing you didn't have something to hit? I still have the marks and cuts you abusive drunk.
Tai: listen Yang.....I'm sorry for all I've done....how's Ruby?
Yang: fine, she's with someone who loves her more than a bottle.
Tai: I love you both more than anything.
A crow and raven landed on a tree branch above Yang and Tai.
Tai: how long has it been?
Yang: 10, give some.
Tai: Yang....who raised you? I need to know who raised my little girls....
Yang: a hermit.
She got on her bike and put her helmet on and drove off, leaving Tai in the dust. He looked at the tracks from where she was and followed it back towards Y/N's house.
Blake: Daddy pick me up.
Y/N picked her up and put her on his shoulder.
Ruby: hey Y/N, could you pick me up too?
Y/N: how old are you?
Ruby: any age that will let me be taller.
Y/N smirked and picked her up and placed her on his shoulder.
Blake: hey Daddy, why do they call you Y/N and not "Daddy"?
Y/N: well you see....I uh.
?????: as I live and breathe!
Y/N's eyes widened as he turned around, putting the girls down and behind him. There he saw Tai, the same man who abused Yang and Ruby.
Tai: Y/N?
Y/N tightened his fists as Kali walked out of the house with lemonade.
Kali: I have Lemo-
She saw Y/N's hands slightly bleeding as blood dripping from his palm he had them so tight.
Kali: girls come inside.
Ruby and Blake ran inside.
Tai: wait Ruby?
Ruby stopped and looked at Tai, her eyes filled with tears, she was still young but she vividly remembers everything. Kali closed the door behind the girls, waiting inside with them. Silverstride, though older, went next to Y/N and growled.
Tai: Y/N, how long has it been?
Y/N: not long enough.
Tai: did you raise my kids?
Y/N: when you find them in the rain, covered with mud about to use a ratty old but for a place for the night, yeah I took care of them, Raven and Qrow asked me to watch them until they were ready!
Tai: now let's not be hasty, why not talk this over with a drink.
Y/N pulled out his warhammer and threw it out Tai's chest, sending him to the ground.

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