Green eyes

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They got a bus to the venue, which only took thirty minutes. The concert wasn't due to start until seven, so they got something to eat. They headed over to the arena, where Rhea showed the attendant their V.I.P tickets.

The V.I.P area was right at the front of the stage so they could see everything in front of them quite clearly.

"I'm so excited Sha. I just can't believe I'm here."

"Ok. Well we're here. You're going to be meeting Matty finally, "Aaisha replied trying to sound  excited. She was getting quite anxious because the hall was beginning to fill up now. But she reassured herself that everything was going to be fine. She had Rhea with her.

The 1975 intro music began to play and the lights on the stage began to flicker and dim. ..Then the band came on stage. Aaisha knew all their names  and what instruments they played because Rhea had told her. The giant with blonde  straggly hair, George took his place at the drums. . The blonde one with the beard went to the left of the stage to his keyboard and guitar. The dark haired one Ross went to the right and placed his guitar around his body. Lastly the one with dark brown curly hair which covered his left eye slightly and the opened necked red shirt so his tattoo was visible and black ripped skinny jeans, Matty took his place at the front of the stage.

Everyone started screaming 'I love you Matty' including Rhea. Aaisha screwed up her face, she hated all the loud noise. She took a sip of her water as her throat was quite dry. She was dreading going with Rhea to meet the band afterwards, hopefully she wouldn't be noticed.

Matty scanned the crowd while singing 'The City'. The same girls are always there wanting to touch him, or his hair. What was it that girls liked about his hair for fuck sake? The boys were always teasing him about this every fucking day.  He saw one girl though who looked very uncomfortable, almost nervous. She was looking around at everything then her eyes met his briefly. She was stunningly beautiful. Her lips were naturally full, and had the perfect cupids' bow, good enough to kiss. Her big green eyes were inviting, he could see himself drown in them. Her skin was milky white, what would it feel like underneath him? She was the one. He said adamantly to himself. He wanted her...

Aaisha thought to herself why is he staring at me like that. He should be looking at Rhea not me. It really made her uneasy. She stepped back a little from the barrier and took another mouthful of water, almost choking.
She could still feel him watching her..

"Sha, are you ok?. You look really pale."

She nodded,"No. I'll be alright."

The set list had already been played for the show. He decided to play Robbers for the finale. He went to the front of the stage. "The next song will be our last one for the night. Who wants to come up on stage?" All the girls started screaming, he noticed a boy as well which made him laugh.

He noticed that the girl with the green eyes wasn't reacting like the others. He was fascinated by this beautiful creature. "Hey you in the blue dress, come up on stage." He pointed at Aaisha.

Aaisha felt everyone was looking at her. She looked at Rhea who had a big smile on her face. She wasn't angry or jealous. Rhea literally pushed her towards the security guard who led her to  the stage. She saw Matty waiting for her in the centre of it.  She glanced at Rhea who gave her the thumbs up sign. I shouldn't be here, it should be you Rhea. She thought to herself. What the hell have I let myself in for?

She counted up to five and walked up the stairs towards Matty. Her legs were felt like jelly, she needed to sit down before she collapsed. The guitar solo kicked in and the crowd started to scream. Matty locked eyes with hers and started to sing...

She had a face straight outta magazine
God only knows but you'll never leave her
Her balaclava is starting to chafe
When she gets his gun he's begging, babe stay, stay, stay, stay, stay

I'll give him one more time
We'll give you one more fight
Said one more lie
Will I know you

Now if you never shoot, you'll never know
And if you never eat, you'll never grow
You've got a pretty kinda dirty face
When she's leaving your home she's begging you, stay, stay, stay, stay, stay

I'll give you one more time
We'll give you one more fight
Just said one more line
There'll be a riot, 'cause I know you..

She felt herself getting hot and sweaty, and wiped her face with the back of her hand. Matty came towards her and wiped her face with his towel, she could smell his sweat and Tom Ford cologne on it. Then she zoned out completely all she could see was his mouth moving. His arm snaked around her neck and drew her closer to him. It felt as though it was just the two of them alone up there.  The feeling of having the skin of a man touch hers scared her, especially if it was someone like Matty Healy.

She heard him sing the last couple of lines...

She says, babe, you look so cold, you look so cold, you look so cold
You look so cold, you look so cold, you look so cold

The guitars solo came in the end, and Matty moved them to the back of the stage. That's when he kissed her. Not the usual quick peck but one that meant something to him. Her lips were soft, warm and sweet and he wanted more of that same thing. She bit his lip hard and yelped a  no and ran off the stage.

He touched his lip and strode to the front of the stage. There was a bit of blood but not anything he could handle. That girl...he needed her more than ever...

He looked at the crowd as they were leaving, she wasn't there. Where could she have gone. Had he missed his chance to know her. He didn't even ask her name. Dumb fuck. He went to his dressing room. Ross was there eating some fruit.

"That looks owww, he pointed at his lip. Was it the Robbers girl?"

"Yeah. It was her." He sighed.

"Jesus. Why can't you control yourself.."

"I am. Fucks sake." He retorted. He couldn't get her out his head.

Jamie came in the door with Adam and George. "You've got some meet and greets to do.

"Oh fucking hell."

"There's only two people. They won VIP tickets."

"Were they  the girls  that were right at the front of the stage?"

Jamie nodded.

Mattys' face lit up. Maybe he was going to see the green eyed girl again after all!!

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