Just Breathe

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I opened my eyes slowly. I felt someones' hot naked skin against my own back. An arm gripping my waist firmly. Hot breath against my neck. Sending shivers up and down my body. I could still feel his touch where he had marked my whole body. His heat still swathed my whole being and his sweet scent was so intoxicating. What had he done to me?

I tried to get up but Mattys" hold over me tightened. And he pulled me into him even closer so his heat was against my thighs which made me gasp.

"Where are you going darling?".He yawned.

"I need some water. I'm really thirsty." I answered softly. I picked up a t shirt which was by the bed and threw it on quickly. Even though he he was watching me I didn't want him to see me naked. I felt awkward around him all of a sudden.


I watched her almost running out of the room. She seemed distant as if...fuck no...she regretted last night. It felt wrong for her as it was her first time. Maybe I should've waited a bit longer before I...broke her. But fuck I knew that was the right time and it couldn't be forgotten about.

I raced into my room and pulled on some joggers. I was usually quite good at confronting a person, but Aaisha was so fragile and sensitive. Fucking hell.

She was sitting on the sofa fiddling with the half empty glass on the table. She had been crying. This was going to be...difficult.

I sat down beside her and took her hand. "Sweetheart look at me. Look at me Aaisha." She turned to face me slowly. "Whats wrong?"

"Last night...she paused and started fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

"Last night what?" I tipped her chin up with my thumb and moved my face closer to hers.

"Do you regret what happened...I mean was I good eno..."

I cut her off and pulled her face towards me, smashing my lips against hers, while pushing her down on the sofa. She moaned softly against my mouth and fisted my hair. She had definitely learned a lot. Before we got carried too away, I raised my head and stroked her hair. Our breathing was in sync with each other. She looked so fucking beautiful when she was like this.

"That's my answer darling." I smirked at her and she smiled at me.

"I..I better had finish off that water. She said breathlessly. She was about to put the glass to her mouth and gave the glass to me. Unless you want some you look so hot."

"I know babe."

"Nooooo...Matty. I meant..."

"I know." She rolled her eyes at me. I loved teasing her.

She looked at me nervously again. "What is it love?"

"What if Adam, Ross and George don't approve of us...They might think..."

"Your mine Aaisha. No one is going to stand in the way of us being together." I gave her a reassuring hug and kissed her hair.

"Rhea...I don't know. ." Her voice faded

"What about her?"

"She may...get.."

"C'mon Aaisha"

"She likes you Matty."

I pulled her into my lap. "What did I say to you earlier?"

"Your mine. But..."

"Babe stop worrying about what everyone else thinks. I'll look after you. I really mean it Aaisha. You're so fucking precious to me. I'm not letting anything or anyone hurt you again." She wrapped her arms around my neck and started sobbing gently. I knew why she was crying. Those tears were for the words that she had wanted to hear from someone for a very long time.

Those words had to come from me.

She needed some closure from her past I had decided. It was going to be difficult but it was the only way that Aaisha could move on in her life and it was my responsibility to do just that.

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