In the shadows

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Aaisha was not in a talkative mood after they left the venue yesterday. Rhea thought she still had a headache,  but she didn't want to let her know that Matty was the real reason for her mood. The bite that he gave her  wasn't that noticeable, but it was still quite sore. So she dabbed some tea tree oil on it before she went to bed. When she looked in the bathroom mirror it looked much better.

Today was her day off, but She still had to finish off an assignment. So after her breakfast, she put on her laptop  and got some chocolate and crisps. She couldn't function  without them when she was studying. After she completed it she had a shower and decided to go the supermarket
She'd almost run out of food, living by yourself could be so hard at times  she thought. She had to literally force herself to go out if only her Mum and Dad were around. 

She put her handbag on her shoulders  and walked out the door. Even though it was cloudy, there was warm fresh breeze which bought a smile to her face. The weather was quite mild for this time of year, which was just as well because she hated the cold. 

It only took her ten minutes to walk to the supermarket,. She picked up a basket and looked at her shopping list.  When she was  going around the aisles, she felt a bit uneasy. As if she was being watched. She turned her face, but there was nobody else there.
She put some apples and bananas in her basket and went towards the checkout, as she got there she caught a glimpse of brown curls and a black jacket on the checkout in front of her. She looked down at his legs, he was wearing black skinny jeans. It couldn't possibly be him. What would he be doing here? He was waiting to pay, the checkout was scanning her items. She quickly put them in a carrier back and rushed out, nearly bumping into a mother with her toddler...

That uneasy feeling crept up on her again, and she felt the hairs at the back.of her neck stand on end, that wasn't a good sign. Sh was out of breath when she got home. She locked and bolted  the front door, and made sure all the windows were shut tight.

After she had a shower, she made her dinner early and went to bed. Rhea had sent her text to find out if she wanted to the cinema at the weekend.  She replied she'd let her know tomorrow.  She put the phone on the bedside tablebandvdrufted of to sleep.

Aaisha woke up with a start, she heard a noise coming from downstairs. She got a torch and her phone  and went downstairs very slowly. Someone or something  was in the kitchen.

Aaisha put the light on, and crept slowly into the kitchen.  She saw an empty glass by the sink. So there was a someone in the house. She put the phone on the kitchen table and dialled started to ring...Suddenly she felt someone come up behind her, they grabbed her phone and cut the line. . She tried to get the torch but the rolled to the floor and then stopped at somebodys' they looked like boots, from what she could make out from the light. Oh couldn't be him. Please don't let it be him.. 

He stepped out from the shadows. It was as she feared it was him. His eyes were dark and very cold. He moved closer to her.

She stepped back, "How d...did you get in here?"

He didn't answer...He kept on moving closer. She stepped back, and she hit the wall behind her..She couldn't
escape, he put his hands either side of her head.

"Wh... what  do you want?"

He dipped his head and his lips touched hers. "You."

Then she screamed.

Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now