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Twenty minutes later we were finally on the road.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked me, I had a different answer in my head.

"Alexandra Park. My Nana used to take me there when I was a boy. It's an amazing place. It"s got a lovely flower garden, boating lake, a History  Museum.  and even a secret  garden. "

"How can a garden be a secret Matty?" Shd looked at me still trying to work it out.

"I'm the only one who knows about it." I grinned  at her sheepishly.

"I should've known." She sighed and  edged closer to the window taking in the fresh summer breeze.

Soon enough the car entered inside the large wrought iron gates of the park. All three of us got out of  the car, Aaisha  went over to look at the Visitor's Map.

"Just keep a look out for  anything suss ok. Call the boys if you need to." I told Mark.

"Alright mate."

I put my sunglasses on and grabbed Aaishas' hand. "C'mon love." I beamed at her.

"Can we go to the History Museum first?"

"Of course."

We spent a couple of hours viewing portraits and artefacts of industrialists that made Manchester like Richard Arkwright; John Owen and Samuel Cogden. We also watched old archive footage  of what the area looked like too. When we got outside we went to the Tea Rooms  nearby to get some hot Chocolate and cake which Aaisha managed to eat surprisingly quickly, not caring about the crumbs around her mouth or falling on the table.

I waited for her while she went to the ladies. I looked at the  clock, she had been gone five whole minutes so I went after her.


"Matty..I heard from the cubicle and the end. You're not supposed to be..."

"I got worried darling. Open the door."

"Give me a minute." The lock clicked open. She watched me while she washed and dried her hands. "What's wrong Matty?"

"Nothing babe. Let's go." I grabbed her tightly around her waist and walked hastily out of the ladies' getting a few odd looks from people, but I didn't give a shit.

" hurts." She shrieked.

I stopped and turned  her towards me; "Sorry, as I ran my  hand  underneath her blouse. Is that better? She nodded slowly. Good. Where nearly there!"

"Where Matty?"

"My Secret Garden." I led Aaisha through a walkway which had Pink and Red roses growing either side. The only sound you could hear was our feet stepping over fallen leaves and broken twigs. I opened a wooden door in the red bricked wall. Aaisha gasped in awe.It was exactly like I remembered. Pink and Purple flowered  Wisteria trees on either side of the pathway. The flowers forming a canopy above  our heads. At the end of the pathway there was a rockpool with a seating area carved out of a fallen tree trunk.

Aaisha skimmed her hand through th water, "This place is like a fairytale Matty. How did you ever come  across it?"

"It was Nana's secret place too. Nobody else knew about it except her, and now you. I strode over to her and pulled her between my legs. Gripping her hips tightly. So I think it's about time  we christened  this place."


Matty cupped my face gently. and pressed his lips against mine. "I don't..don't  know what you me.. mean." I tried to say in between him biting  and sucking my neck. He walked us to the wall, pinning me against it.

"I want to have you...right here..right now."  He breathed against my ear, making the heat rise in the  pit of my stomach. Why did he make feel so weak?

"Wait...Matty. .I don't think... I moaned softly as I buried my face into neck,  as his fingers found their  way inside my knickers. How did he manage to that?

"Don't think what Aaisha?" , he growled lowly. I felt a blast of cold hair hit me as I felt my knickers  being ripped  off.

"Matty..I didn't just do what I think you did..?" I asked him weakly. He smirked at me showing me  the crumpled black material and throwing them  to the side. I felt my legs buckle, so Matty lay me on the ground.

I watched him undo his jeans, then he  slowly lower him down on me. I started to panic, trying to push him off me. "Matty...we can't...we can't do this here..."

"Look at me Aaisha. If I did,  I knew I would give in to him. Darling please. He cupped my cheek, his eyes locked with my  own. Ever since you came out of hospital, I've been wanting to touch you. I just wanted to find the right moment. I was about to say something..but he stopped me..We couldn't have done it at Mums' because of obvious reasons. So I bought you here."

"Your Nana's special place." I almost welled up. That's one of the reasons I loved him so much.

"Yeah." He whisphered as his lips meant mine again.



Aaisha was lying comfortably on top of me. Her naked limbs moulding into my own. Legs and arms intertwined together like a complete puzzle. Her skin was still flushed and warm. She wanted this as much as I did.  Digging  her nails into my skin, and screaming  my name repeatedly, her body trembling against mine.

She stirred against me. "Matty?"

"Yeah Babe?"

"We should get back. Mark
might be wondering where we are." She got up and began to get dressed. I got up, putting my hands around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"But I want to wonder all over you still." My hands started drifting inside her skirt.

"Matty stop. I mean it. It's getting late." She warned me.

Aaisha was getting quite assertive which.i was quite happy about. I had changed her for the better. I got myself ready. I phoned Mark to tell him that we were on our way, but it went straight to voicemail which was unusual for him. I bet he was gorging himself on cakes in the Tea room. He wasn't there. I  tried his mobile again. No answer. We went to the car park  The car had gone too. Fuck. Something was wrong, and I knew who was behind it all.

I texted Adam and George. I held Aaishas against me and ran to the Parks' exit.

"Give her to me or you're dead." He warned me, pointing a gun at my chest.



Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now