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It was comforting to finally see Aaisha sleeping without having any nightmares. She had a faint smile on her lips. I wondered if she was dreaming about me? Her arm was around my chest and one leg was entwined with mine. Her spit was dribbling down my face. Just like it was the first I slept with her. Slept being the key word here. But now she was naked underneath the covers. Her warm skin against my own felt so comforting.

I won't let her go. It would be impossible.

"Matty..."she yawned slowly, while running her hands up and down my arm.

"Yes darlin.."

"I wish we could stay like this forever."

"In bed. Naked." I chuckled amusingly.

"Nooooo Matty. I meant just me and you and nobody else." She lightly punched me on my arm.

"That would be too easy. I've got a band to think about." I sighed.

"You'll be busy with rehearsing for your tour soon. She turned her back on me, edging away from my touch. You won't need me anymore. I'll be too much of a distraction to you. I'll leave when...,,"

I quickly rolled her round to face me and held her against me.I lifted her face towards mine "Do you think after all that we've been through I'm going to let you go. Just leave you in this big bad world to fend by yourself? I asked raising my voice slightly, she looked at me wide eyed but then lowered her gaze. Look at me Aaisha.She tried to push me away. But I shifted so she couldn't move. Sweetheart.. She raised her eyes slowly. I could tell she was about to cry again. I'm not leaving you ok. You're staying with me. Fuck everyone else. " She relaxed a little, putting her hands around my neck.

"Thank you Matty." She kissed me on the cheek.

"For what babe?"

"For keeping me safe and helping me...and just everything." She smiled at me. She looked so beautiful when she smiled. Her eyes sparkled just like emeralds.

I don't know what I would do without her.


The doorbell rang, Aaisha and I had just eaten our lunch. It was the boys. No surprise there. I just wanted to spend some alone time with Aaisha. Just doing normal couple things....and things that normal couples get up to..

"Hey Aaisha. You look really well." Adam replied.

"Matty has definitely been looking after you then." George said.

She started to blush slightly. Ross noticed. Fucking hell. " Yeah. In more ways than one." Giving me a stern look.

He took me to one side. "Did you sleep with her?"

"What if I did?"

"I can't believe you mate. You took advantage of a fragile young woman." He hissed at me.

"I care for her a lot. She feels the same about me."

"Really. For how fucking long?"

"Over a couple of weeks. She's different. Special. I've never known feelings like this before."

"I didn't know you could be so soft mate." He scoffed and marched over towards the sofa. Still glaring at me.

"So is this a social visit or what?" I sat down next to Aaisha and put my arm around her. George and Adam looked at me in surprise.

"We just wanted to see how Aaisha was."

"She's fine now she's with me." I replied bluntly.

"We can see that." Adam said looking at me as if to say you better look after her otherwise you've got me to deal with.

"We have to start thinking about our European tour...George said. It's going to be huge so Jamie says we can't have any...he looked at Aaisha...distractions."

"I'm not leaving Aaisha by herself. Tell Jamie that. The tour is fucking cancelled!"

"It's only two months."

"Two months.. too long George."

"You're being childish." Adam barked.

"Oh fuck off." I heard myself yelling.

I felt Aaisha trembling. " Matty...please...don't argue because of me...I can stay with..."

"No Aaisha. I think you better leave now. Without me this band is nothing."

"Mate. I'm the one who decided to create this band remember." Adam remarked.

"So fucking what. Get out all of you."

"We're going. Jamie won't be pleased." George muttered.

The door slammed shut behind them.

"Matty I'm sorry. I..."

"Sssh babe. I smoothed her hair away from her face. Your the only thing that matters to me. Nobody else."

The doorbell rang again. I ran downstairs and yanked it open. "Didn't you say enough..." it was Rhea. She totally blanked me and hurried upstairs. I hurried after her and heard Aaisha cry out. What the fuck!!

"You fucking bitch. You knew I fancied Matty. How could you?..She screamed. You're going to be just like one of his whores. When he's fucked you over he's going to dump you. Don't expect to come running to me..you..I grabbed her hand before she could touch Aaisha again.

"If you fucking touch her again...I swear I'm going to break every finger on your hand. Now get the fuck out of here."

"Fuck you Matty and that bitch of yours." She yelled banging the door behind her."

I quickly got a glass of water and a damp cloth. Her cheek was swollen and red. I ran the cloth gently over her skin and she flinched. She held it firmly. "Sorry babe. Here drink some water then we're going to clean you up."

She took a couple of gulps. " Matty everything is my fault. You've fallen out with your friends. Is it true what she said...?" Am I just another one of your..your..and then you're going to leave me....because I "

I put my finger to her lips. "Noooo baby. Of course not. I don't want you to even think it or say it... We're going to be together no matter what. I care about you so fucking much darlin."

"But the band. It's nothing without you Matty. You should apologise."

I knew she was right. I would call Jamie later on. " Now c'mon love. Let's have you in the shower."

"Matty I can manage." She blushed. She knew exactly what I meant.

"Oh yeah." As I smacked her arse leading her into the bathroom and throwing her clothes off and taking off my own.

Aaisha took the sponge of it's hook, but I grabbed it off her and pushed her against the tiles. I watched her as the water ran down her body. She blushed and bit her lip.

"Don't." She whisphered.

" Don't what love." I breathed in her ear while I began working the sponge down her body slowly.

"Look at me like that..."

My hand went between her legs.." Like what?"... I smirked.

" As if you want to" ....she moaned softly against my neck.

"Too late love." Then she screamed my name repeatedly while holding me tightly against herself.


"Before I fell asleep I spoke to Jamie. He was fine about Aaisha and I texted the boys about the situation. Adam and George were fine about it...but I didn't hear anything from Ross.

What's up with Rass? I wonder.

Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now