Is there someone to watch over you

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I knew Aaisha had been taken the moment I reached home. The bastard had done it.

There were two police cars outside the house. I shoved the door open loudly and punched the wall repeatedly. This was all my fucking fault.

"Matty stop it mate. Mark came running and held me as I started to cry. I'm sorry mate. I couldn't stop them."

"Did they hurt her?" He didn't answer. I knew it. I was going to kill them both.

"Everyone's in the living room. C'mon.
The two policemen were looking at their notes. Mum and Louis looked at me. Guilt written all over their faces.

"I want to know what happened."

"You must be Matty." One of the policemen looked at me.

"You got that right." I answered sarcastically.

"I'm John and this is my colleague from what I gather you had an..."

"Look I haven't got time for this. Are you going to do your job or not?" I grabbed him by his shirt.

"Matty for Gods' sake." Mum cried.

"Sorry... but Aaisha means the world to me..I can't...please just.." I whispered.

"We're going to do our best."

After he'd taken my statement they left and said they'd return later that day. Mum brang me a cup of tea.

I looked at all three of them pensively while taking a sip from the cup, it burned my tongue. But a little less than then the burning that I felt in my heart. "I want to know exactly what happened."

"After you left...she was in such a state Matty. She thought she made you leave. She wanted to go after you.  Mum began But Mark had to stop her..."

"Fuck's sake. I never should have left Aaisha. You made me leave her Mum!"

"It was for your own good Matty." Mark answered. You know you've a temper on you."

"You get that from your Dad."

"Don't mention him to me. He doesn't exist for me Mum. Now are you going to tell what happened..?"

"Well I made a cup of tea and told her to take a nap. When you came back I said that  everything would be ok."

But then Ross  fucking took Aaisha away from me.

"I was outside her door all the time mate. Mark added while wringing his hands. I didn't hear a sound. They must've used a ladder to get to the window."

"You mean you didn't bother checking on her?"

"I thought she was..."

"Don't give me your fucking bullshit. I can sack you  for this." I ranted.

"Nobody knew this was going to happen."

"Just be quiet Louis. I thought you would have more sense."

"Don't start on me. You shouldn't have went off like that with Aaisha."

"Oh just shut up will you. I've had enough of all of you!"

I stormed upstairs to my room. Aaishas' sweet scent still lingered everywhere. I felt so hollow and incomplete. I needed to feel.her warmth and her touch. Hear her sweet melodic voice in my ears. Just like a gentle lullaby....I..

My phone rang it was Jamie. He sounded disturbed and panicky. I told him quickly that Ross had kidnapped Aaisha and why he didn't phone before when he knew that Ross wasn't in the band. He thought it was a fucking prank! Even he was getting on my tits.

Why didn't they understand?

I slowly dragged myself to the bed and lay down hugging the pillow that Aaisha had used  and closed my eyes.

"Matty wake up.'' Someone was shaking me.

"Wha...have they found Aaisha!" I woke with a start it was Louis.

"No...but George and Adam are here to see if..."

"To see if they can fucking help me find Aaisha..?"

"Maybe.. "

"I'll be down down soon Louis." I sighed.

He shut the door quietly behind him.i looked at myself in the dressing table mirror. It was me but I didn't recognise myself. I traced my reflection slowly as if I wanted to erase this stranger in front of me. Lost, confused, incomplete.

I went over to the window to close it, it was getting a bit chilly. My eyes dropped to the floor suddenly. It was Aaishas' bracelet which I had engraved with 'My Aphrodite'. It was stained with her blood. Ross had hurt  my darling. I wasn't going to spare that bastard...

I ran down the stairs  "I'm going to look for Aaisha myself. I can't wait for the fucking police!"

Adam held my arm, "mate just wait for a minute. You're not thinking straight." He pleaded with me.

"Nobody could've known that Ross wanted to hurt you." George added.

"I'm going to hurt that fucker when I get my hands on him. He hurt Aaisha." I showed them the  bracelet.

"Matty just wait for the police. See what they say. I mean where would you go and look for her?" George looked at me anxiously."

"Why have you even come here?"

"Jamie told us about what  happened. I still can't believe Ross could do  such a thing. Me and George have   come to help you."

"You're not helping much now  are you. Why don't you just do one."

"We're not leaving you."

"Matty love just sit down. I'll make us some  tea."

I sat down on the sofa and put my head in my hands.

"I'll help you Denise."  George followed Mum into the kitchen.

"We're going to get Aaisha back with you mate." Adam put his arm around me."

"If that bastard and that bitch have done anything to her.. I fucking swear  their lives won't be worth living."

"The police will see to that."

I wasn't so convinced when he said that. I was at breaking point now. I just wanted to bang my head against the wall.

The doorbell rang and Louis went to see who it was. John and Tim had come back. I hoped that they had something for me.

"Aftenoon to you all. We've found a location for where she's been held."

"Her name is Aaisha." I said through my teeth.

"We haven't got much time. So we need to go quickly. It's going to be very dangerous."

What the fuck. That's not what I wanted to hear. "I'm coming with you."

"Matty it's too dangerous." Mum grabbed my arm.

"I'm going. I don't care." George, Adam and Mark looked each other. "What?"

"Ok Matty. We're coming too. Mark looked at John and he nodded his head.

I don't believe in God but I prayed that they hadn't done anything else to her.





Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now