For you, Babe

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@trumanblack:  I know that you have been anticipating the forthcoming tour next year and the release of the new album. After lots of contemplation and  issues within the band,  which I'm not going to go into on this post, I've decided it's not going to happen. Not for the foreseeable future anyway. I'm so sorry I have to let all of you down like this. 

I want  to  focus on my life who I love with all my heart. She's  the most amazing, beautiful, gracious and gentle human being I've ever come across. She has been through a lot in her life. She needs me more than anything right now.

Adam,  George, Jamie, my close friends and family have all supported and respected my decision. I hope that you can  you too.

In the meanwhile stay woke, love each other and fight the good fight.

Love you all

Matty ❤🧡💛💚🖤💜

"That's that then. I looked at Aaisha as she tried to hold back her tears. I cupped her face in my hands. She knew I hated her  crying.  Everything seemed to trigger her off. Leaving Mum, Louis and the boys. Her new family. That really hit her quite bad.  Babe it won't be forever."

"I'm finding it hard to convince myself Matty. I miss everyone back home." She mumbled playing with her fingers.

"I know you do." I stood her up and kissed her hair. She still looked really sad. Do you fancy some Pizza and Gelato? "

"No. I just want to stay here." She answered glumly.

"Aaisha..please. I've booked a table for us the best Restaurant here."  I pleaded making a face.

"Alright." I slapped her arse as she walked back inside the bedroom." She let out a scream.

"Matty!" She said annoyingly as she rubbed her behind.

"You never complain at night." I chuckled. She just rolled her eyes at me. As I twisted her round.

"Sometimes Matty..." she jabbed her finger at me but I grabbed her hand.

"Sometimes Matty what?.." I leant my face closer to her. I was going to win this..

"You can...." my lips were almost against hers...

"Ummm.." I mumbled softly.

"Mat.." My mouth was on hers as I pinned her against the wall. I knew how to push her buttons.

She fucking loved it..

Before I got too carried away. I stopped. Aaisha looked at me confused.

"Get ready Aaisha." I told her breathlessly.

"Ok Matty." She replied in the same tone.

"So where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"Where is it?"

"You'll find out."

"What's the menu li.."

"Darling..can you stop bombarding me with all these questions. What are you worried about?" I squeezed her hand.

"It's nothing."

"I promise you babe. This  place is going to blow your mind."

"If you say so." She wasn't convinced.

We drove up a long winding road, Plum and Pear trees  on either side giving  off a sweet and fruity  scent.
When we got out  of the car I went behind Aaisha and covered her eyes.

"Wha..what are you doing? Is this one of your pranks..?"

"Sshh. No peaking babe." I led her up a  few steps into a Rose garden. I looked to my left. They were all there.


"Nearly there babe."  I stopped. You can open your eyes now."  I whisphered in her ear.


Aaisha burst into tears. "My family." She cried. She hugged and kissed everybody. Mum, Louis, Adam, George and Mark. I can't believe you did this Matty. Thank you.  I love you so much." She gave me a long kiss.

"Love you too sweetheart." Aaisha was about to sit down but I grabbed her hand quickly. "One more surprise." I took a ri
pdng out of my pocket. "I want you to be my Misses. Will you Marry me Aaisha?"

She fucking said yes!!

The End




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