She lays down

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The doorbell rang just after we had finished breakfast. I put the latch on the door and opened it. It was Mark. Thank fuck. He was such a saviour to me.

"You don't know how good it is to see you mate."

"I came as fast as I could. So you've fired Ross and now he's threatening you. I really wouldn't have thought he could do such a thing."

"Neither can I. I'm more concerned about Aaishas' safety."

We both went into the kitchen where Aaisha was helping Mum.

"Hello Denise. It's been a long time."

"Yes Mark it has. Would you like some tea?"

"Yes please. Oh and can I have a slice of Cheesecake. He smiled towards Aaisha. This must me Aaisha. He went over to give her a hug. Matty has definitely found a stunner!"

"Thank you." She blushed.

"Oi stop flirting with my girl." Why was I even jealous of my bodyguard? I don't even know!! But even so I found myself wrapping my arm around her waist.

"Woah...Pda alert." Louis came into the kitchen looking at me quite smug.

"That's enough Louis. Stop teasing Matty."

"But Mum..."

"Louis have your breakfast quickly. We have to talk grown up stuff." Mum
told him.

"But I want to stay..." He grumbled.

"Please Louis."

"Ok. Fine."

"So Ross has been sending threatening texts." Mark said.

"One. But that's more than enough for me. I know he wants Aaisha. There's absolutely no way in hell I'm letting that happen. That's why I want you here." I told him

"Ok. Matty. I understand." He responded while he took a mouthful of cheesecake.

"I think...actually I know that Rhea could be involved in this scheme of his as well. ."

"Who's Rhea?"

"Aaishas' ex best friend." I looked at Aaisha who narrowed her eyes at me. She wasn't happy.

"How did you come to that conclusion Matty?" She snapped at me.

"You saw how psycho she went."

"But she might've went off in the heat of the moment."

"Heat of the moment. She hurt you. For fucks' sake Aaisha. Listen to yourself." I yelled at her.

"Will you stop shouting at me." She stood up scraping her chair back.

"Or what?" I stood up as well banging my chair on the floor.

"Matty calm down. You're embarrassing yourself." I heard Mum say. My eyes stayed on Aaisha as she ran out of the kitchen and headed upstairs .

"Mum. Don't ok. Sorry Mark. I'll be back." I raced up the stairs behind her as she banged my bedroom door in my face. I tried to open the door open but she was behind it.

"Go away Matty. I don't want to talk to you."

"Aaisha please. Stop being so bloody stubborn."

"Leave me alone."

I paced the floor and raked my hands through my hair. All I wanted to do was her to see some reason. If she could attack Aaisha like that who knows what she could do with Ross as her partner in crime? The thought sent shivers down my spine.

"Aaisha sweetheart. She didn't answer. I tried the door again it wouldn't budge. What did she put behind there? Stop messing about now. Open the door! C'mon."

"I don't want to see you. I don't want to talk to you. Go away!" She yelled.

"If you don't open the door I'm going .."

"What are you going to do Matty?" Mum said behind me.


"She doesn't want to see you. I think you should go for a walk to calm down." She said annoyingly.

"Ok fine. I'm going.. I touched my back pocket. My fags and lighter are in there."

"Well buy some more. She sighed tapping her foot. You can sleep with Louis tonight."


"You heard me. Don't you think you've done enough already by upsetting her." She really knew how to make me feel like a kid my lovely Mum. Sometimes I think she treats Louis as her eldest.

"But mum.."

"Don't but mum me..Now go!"

"Everything alright mate?" Mark asked me.

"I'm just going out. Keep an eye on Aaisha and Mum will you. I'll text Louis to come home now." I croaked.

I headed towards Cheetham Hill Road. Going past all the old haunts that we used to go as teenagers. The Kings Arcade where I used to do my moves to Michael Jackson songs on the Dance Dance Revolution machine. The shortcut that led to the park where I used to smoke weed before doing gigs with the boys. Roses' Florists where I used to buy flowers for my Nana when I went to visit her. If only she could see me now. She was such an amazing woman. I popped in there and bought a bunch of Roses for Aaisha just to say sorry. Rose the previous owner had passed away and it was now owned by her daughter April. Her daughter was working there today and she got an autograph and a selfie out of me. She was ecstatic. Then I went into Singhs' newsagents to get my fags and a lighter. They asked me for I.d there which was quite funny. I still have my babyface it seems. I could go back old school and get a few more Gcses!! On the hand I doubt it.

As I handed over £20 pound note. I recieved text. I thought it would've been Jamie or the other two.

You think Mark can protect
Your precious Aaisha. Think again.
You're never going to see her after you've read this text.

Fucking shit. I didn't bother with my change. I ran as fast as I could hoping that Mark was doing his job properly Hoping that Aaisha was still there. Funny hope was what I needed right now.

But that hope soon vanished.

I just can't believe I've finished another chapter. Thanks for all your support Its much appreciated.

Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now