Try and do something 14 times

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We woke early because Matty said he was going to take me somewhere. He didn't tell me where. I so hoped it  was going to be good. Matty was taking me out out. Then  he turned the  car into the direction of the hospital. Why were we going there? I didn't understand? Unless...

"Matty why are we going to the hospital? something wrong with you?"

"No." He kept his eyes  focused on the road until he found a parking space.

"Why are here? Is someone Ill?" . He turned towards me and raked his hand through his hair.

"Aaisha I know that you didn't get the help that you needed after you were abused, but I think it's time you confronted your past. He's dying he hasn't got long to live. You should see him.."

"What...why Matty. I turned towards him. I felt hurt...betrayed...angry. How could you do this to me?" I couldn't breathe. I needed some. air. I undid my seatbelt and dashed out of the car. Before I could get any further Matty caught hold of me. "Matty...I can't do this...let me go..."

"Aaisha you can't keep.on running away from this. You have to trust me on this one. I'm going to be here for you. I struggled against him. He grasped my face in his hands and gazed into my eyes. I began to calm down. Why did he have this effect on me?

"Matty..." I breathed.

"Do you trust me Aaisha?....I just looked at him blankly ... Babe..?" He was waiting for me to answer.

"Yes Matty I do."

"Good." He kissed the top of my head and held my hand tightly. "C'mon then lets go."

"Hello. Can you tell me which room Joseph Tucker is in please?" . Matty asked the Sister. I didn't like the way she was looking at him and the way he was reacting to her.

"Ouch! Why are you mauling me?"

"Why were you giving her all of your attention?"

"You jealous?"

"Ummm. He took me into a corner.

"I'll give you all the attention you need when we get home babe." He breathed into my ear.

We reached the room he was in. He still looked the same but weaker and paler. He deserved this punishment. I took a deep breath. I felt Matty squeeze my hand and we walked in. He turned towards me and gave me a blank stare. Then a faint smile crept over his face.

"Aaisha...I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." He croaked. I hurt you and your parents. They never forgave me. Could you...?"

"You deserve your punishment for what you did to me. How could you have done something to an innocent child. To me...?" I cried. I felt like hitting him.

"Please Aaisha. I just don't want to die with this guilt."He pleaded clasping his hands in front of me.

He was remorseful. I could feel it in his every word. Matty was right.. I looked at him. He gave me a reassuring smile.

" You know it's taking me  lot of courage to do this Joesph. You're forgiven. I mean it from the bottom of my heart."

"Thank you Aaisha." He whisphered. He closed his eyes and the monitor beside him beeped. Before Matty and I knew it,  a group of doctors and nurses came rushing into the room to revive him. But he was no more. I felt myself crying. Crying out all the pain and anguish I had in me after fifteen years. Crying for a man who felt guilty for his actions. Crying for my parents who were taken away from me.  Matty held me  tightly against himself. I felt so safe and protected at that moment in time.

"We're going home Aaisha." He spoke softly. I nodded my head slowly.

That night I dreamt of my parents holding both my hands while watching waves lap at out toes at a beach.

They loved the seaside. So did I...



Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now