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I woke up feeling strangely refreshed after last night. Her arm had moved it self up my chest, and one of her legs was entangled between my own. I looked at her, she looked so beautiful when she was asleep.. just like a porcelain doll. I suddenly felt something wet and warm on my chest, Aaisha was dribbling from her slightly open mouth. Wow she's definitely marking her territory. I moved my arm from around her carefully and went to the bathroom.

I got out the shower, and was about to wrap a towel around my waist, when I heard the door open. She looked at me, her eyes widened in shock.

"Ummm. I'm so sorry." she gasped. She turned around and banged the door behind her. Poor girl she was too innocent. Far too innocent. I smirked to myself.

I entered the bedroom, Aaisha had just finished unpacking her suitcase. and put it underneath the bed.

"Aaisha the bathroom' s free."

She turned around, "Ok thank yo..She looks at me and blinked.


"You're ..."

"I'm what? "...I stepped closer towards her.

"She gulped, "Bare naked. She half whispered almost blushing.

"If I was I wouldn't be this fact I could give you a closer  look...," I started tugging at the cloth around my waist...I couldn't help myself!

"I wasn't looking at you," she replied breathlessly.. am not a perv. " She hurried out the room my eyes staring at the way her arse moved on.the skinny jeans she was wearing. Stop it now Healy before you find yourself in  a&e!!

Aaisha came into the kitchen where I was making breakfast. Oh yes. I'm so up being domesticated thanks to Mum. She was wearing pink pyjamas bottom and a pink top. She looked like a little girl.

"I've made breakfast. So help yourself."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

I could tell that she wasn't going to say much to me today or even look at me properly. This was just the beginning of our 'relationship' if you could call it that.

I watched her across the kitchen table. She devoured  the plate of fried bread, tomatoes, hash browns, baked beans and mushrooms.

"There's more of you want some."

No..I'm quite full. Thank you.. She hesitated a bit and chewed her lip..

"Yes Aaisha..I urged her..

"Ummm.would you like some help?", she sounded so unsure of herself.

"Yeah  that would be great. I'll wash. You wipe."

We made small talk when she asked where all the dishes and cutlery went which was quite encouraging I thought. Then the doorbell rang.

"I walked down the hallway and opened the door. Rhea stood there and the boys were behind her.

I stood aside to let them pass.

'Hey Matty. Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Not really. I'll tell you about that later. I looked at the boys rather annoyingly.  Aaishas' in the lounge.

"Nice to see you as well!",  George said

"What're you all doing here. Checking up on me?"

"Something like that." Ross quipped.

"Well I haven't done anything. If that's what you mean."

"Good." Adam remarked.

Aaisha turned around when she saw Adam, Ross and George. Her face   lit up when saw them. She gave each of them a hug.

Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now