Please be naked

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I knocked on the bedroom door, "Aaisha I've ordered Pizza for us. She didn't answer. So I opened the door.

"Matty, what the hell?", she shrieked. She covered herself with a towel quickly.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that you were  not dressed.' I said innocently.

"Whatever Matty. You could've knocked."

"I did but obviously you didn't hear me." I replied.

"Can you just get out now. Or are you  just going to perv over me."

"I could stay to get a better look. From what I've seen at least we're even now."   I smirked at her.

"That's not gonna happen Matty. You know it."

I didn't want to tease her any further, as I heard the doorbell ring. I paid the driver and took the boxes in the living room.

Aaisha came into the lounge wearing her pyjamas.

" got my favs, with garlic bread, wedges and dips! She squealed with excitement.

She sat down beside me, but not too close. I could sense that she was weary of me because of  what happened earlier.

"You know you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm sorry  about earlier."

"I know I shouldn't have over reacted." She said in between taking large chunks of pizza in her mouth.

"Then why...?"

"Maybe I'm afraid of getting too close to you Matty, I might end up losing you. Just like I lost Mum and Dad." She sounded quite sombre.

She looked at me and bit her lip. I could tell that she was trying really hard not cry. But I knew that she hadn't grieved properly for her parents. I took her in my arms and held onto tightly. "Let it out baby."  I could feel her hot tears dampen my shirt.

"Why did you have to leave me on my own. I'm all alone.... I don't know what to do without you.... I miss you so much..." She sobbed gently. Then she suddenly stopped and held onto me  quite tightly. I rocked her gently in my arms. I miss them so much Matty it hurts. I'm so lost without them."

"I know you do baby. Things are going to work out fine. You don't need to worry. You've got me to take care of you now. I kissed the top of her head.  Lets finish this before it gets cold.

"Oh yeah.. sorry Matty."

She let go of me eventually, I watched her eat almost everything, as if she had never had anything like this before.

"Is there any dessert?"

You're still hungry?"

"You might think I'm weird, but I can't not have something sweet after that. It doesn't feel right."

"I'll get some ice cream."

"I'll get it Matty. She looked at what was left in the boxes. Ummm sorry that I didn't leave much for you." She felt quite guilty.

"It's fine."

She bought in a tub and two spoons. She opened the lid. It was  chocolate  What is it with girls and chocolate. I'll never know.

"Matty can you sleep with me tonight. I don't want to be alone."  Aaisha blurted out, after we had cleared everything away.

"Sleep with you"...I almost choked.

"Yes..I just need a nice warm cuddle. I don't have a Teddy Bear so you're the closest I'm going to get to hold. " She said innocently.

"Are you sure about this.'

"I'm very sure. I know I can trust you."

I  nodded to reassure her. But I beginning  to get confused over this girl. Part of me wanted to keep her safe, while the other part wanted to feel her innocent skin next to mine, break her so I could hear her scream my name against my lips.  I had to control these feelings, otherwise the shit would hit the fan!! I mean Rhea would have my guts and so would the boys.

She came towards me and lightly kissed my cheek, "Well goodnight Matty."

"Goodnight Aaisha."

I got a cigarette out and a lighter out of my pocket and tried to light it, fucking didn't work. Maybe it was sign I had to give them up because of her. She would be my new drug. Fucks sake stop it Matty!! What was happening to me.

After about half an hour I went into the bathroom to have a quick shower. The bedroom door was slightly open. I closed the door behind me and walked over towards the bed. She looked so beautiful when she was asleep. I want to feel her body against mine, I want her to be mine. But she wasn't mine to have...yet. I must control these feelings.  I took off my t shirt, just in case she decided to put her spit  over my chest  again, not that I minded.  I  slid in between the covers next to her and got comfortable. She turned on her side, resting her head against my chest, and putting her arm around my waist, which made my skin tingle. It was hard not to pull her a little closer to me,  if  I  did I wouldn't  be able to control myself, then she'd end up hating me even more.


"Matty, I heard her murmur softly. I shifted my head a little she was still fast asleep. Matty, I think your so beautiful, warm and kind. Every time I look at you I want you to kiss me. I bet you kiss well with those lips. I know I'm going to go  insane when you touch me." Her voice drifted off into the distance, and her arm  found itself  wrapped around my neck..

Not to sure about this one. Any comments would be welcome. Thanx friends.

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