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"Sha you're so lucky to have been chosen by him. Now it's my turn. I'm so excited." Rhea screeched with delight.

"So you keep saying. They're not the be all and end all of your life!" She snapped.

"What's wrong. You've been like this since the gig ended?"

"Nothing. I've just a got a headache." Aaisha still couldn't that kiss out of her head. How dare he touch her. That lowlife had invaded her personal space.

They walked towards the back of the arena to the dressing room area. Jamie was waiting for them both.

"Hi girls. The boys are just about ready now."

"Thanks Jamie." Rhea knocked on the door. Ross opened it.

"Oh hi Ross. I'm Rhea. She looked at Aaisha. This is my friend Aaisha."

Ross raised his eyebrows as they entered the room. George and Adam looked at Aaisha and then looked at each other.

After she had spoken to the three of them , Rhea wanted to know where Matty was.

"Oh he's just gone to fix his lip. He'll be back soon." Adam replied.

Aaisha saw the door opening out of the corner of her eye, her nose picked up that familiar scent of cigarettes and cologne. She couldn't hide now. She prayed that this would be over
soon. She quickly sat down next to Rhea.

"OMG Matty. It's so nice to see you. She jumped up and gave him a hug. I'm Rhea and this is Aaisha. I don't know whether she told you her name when you bought her on stage for Robbers. Honestly I can't shut her up sometimes!"

His eyes met hers, a smile played on his lips. She has a name. "Aaisha that's a beautiful name." Matty could tell she wasn't comfortable about this and it was because of him.

"What happened to your lip?", Rhea asked.

Matty opened a bottle of water and took a couple of mouthfuls, " something bit me while I was on stage. But you know what.. , he looked at Aaisha, karma can be a bitch."

The boys looked at Matty stunned at what he had just said. Aaisha started to cough uncontrollably..

"Sha...are you ok. Is there any more water?" Rhea asked.

"She can have mine." Matty replied innocently.

"Oh thank you Matty". Rhea gave Aaisha the bottle.

"It's not a problem."

"Jesus. Are you ok Sha?"

Aaisha cleared her throat,"I...I think so." felt her body heat rise "Where's the toilet?'

"I'll take you...", Ross answered...

"If you give me directions. I can find them by myself."

"Go out the door..turn left...", Ross began.

"Look I'll show her...", Matty butted in..

"It's ok. I.."

"Matty she'll find her own way. You've got a fan who wants to spend some time with you," George remarked gesturing towards Rhea..

"Ok. I won't be long with her. Everyone looked at him. Aaisha glared at him as if to say what the hell did you just say. He let out a sigh, I know what I meant..He looked at Aaisha. Come on. Let's go."

Aaisha walked over towards him apprehsively. He opened the door and let her out first. She could still feel him looking right through her. Or was it just her mind playing tricks on her. They walked together in silence which suited her just fine. She had nothing to say to him after all. She didn't like him for a start after the way he mauled her on the stage. No shame at all. Then his fingers grazed her hand, she started walking ahead of him. She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw the ladies toilet, and hoped he would go back and talk to Rhea.

She turned around to face him, 'I'll find my own way back thank you." She told him coldly and pushed the door open.

He wasn't going to leave it like that. He needed to finish what he started. She was drying her hands, so she didnt hear him come in. He watched her looking in the mirror, brushing her hair and spritzing some perfume on her wrists. She made her way to the door, she was looking at him, but not seeing him. When she opened the door, he leaned over her and slammed it shut.

"Wha..what are doing in're supposed to be with Rhea," she yelped.

"He lowered his face closer to hers, his eyes slowly drifted to her mouth, " to finish off what I started."

"Karma is a bitch.", she half whisphered. She put her hands up to her mouth and stepped away from him until she hit the door of one of the cubicles.

"Yes, Aaisha she is, so take it." Matty took her hand from her mouth and intertwined it with his own. He grabbed her other hand and twisted it behind her back.

Her head jerked forward so it was almost touching his. He smashed his lips against hers quite forcefully, and bit her lip. She gasped in pain, but he sucked her mouth to ease the discomfort she was feeling. Then he let her go, she was breathing quite heavily and her face was flushed. A tear ran down her cheek, he wiped it away with his finger and put it in his mouth.

"Even your tears taste sweet darlin". He smirked. He winked at her and walked out the door.

She could smell his scent all over her...

Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now