The Feels

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My eyes drifted open slowly. I could feel her hot breath on my neck. Her spit was running down the side of my neck. Aaisha was really aiming high now. One leg was entangled in between my own legs and she was making circular patterns on my chest with her finger...She's driving me crazy. How am I going to stop myself from breaking her, and hearing her scream my name? Stop this shit now Matty fucks sake. I really need help.

After I'd showered and dressed I ate by myself. I got my guitar and played a few chords nothing that made any sense. To be honest since Aaisha came into my life, I didn't seem to understand anything anymore.

"Morning Matty." She spoke in a sing song voice.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Oh I had the best sleep like you won't believe!", she replied while munching on her granola sitting at the kitchen table.

"Do you remember much about last night?"

"Like what?"

Like how you were touching my skin and telling me how you wanted me to touch every part of your body so much, that it would drive you fucking wild. I thought to myself. "Well you dribbled all over my neck Aaisha." I exclaimed.

"M sorry. I'll try and be more careful next time." She replied feeling a bit embarrassed.

"It's fine Aaisha." She'll be on my mouth next, I can't fucking wait to have my lips around her...

This is going far enough. Why am I even thinking like this??

"I've made you some tea Matty...If you havn't had any already. Do you like it sweet and strong?"

"Ahh Thanks. I was feeling a bit thirsty. I have two sugars."

She put the mug down in front of me and sat next to me with her glass of juice. I took a sip from it.

"How is it?", she asked apprehsively.

"It's just the way I like it."

"Really Matty!, Her eyes sparkled. This is the first time I've ever made tea properly for anyone. Thank you." She gave me a hug and kissed me on my cheek. She fitted so perfectly against me.

"Guess I'm special", I remarked as I released her grip from my waist.

"You're more than special to me Matty." She brushed a few stray hairs from my face, and gazed at me for a few minutes. But she quickly cleared her throat and drank the rest of her juice.

"Well I better get dressed. I'm going out with Rhea. So don't wait up for me. "

I stared after her, she sounded much happier now. I wonder if it's because of me. Does she feel something for me, I hope she likes me just a tiny bit. I really fucking do.

Another chapter finished. Thank Goodness. Hope you enjoy reading.

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