Help Me

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I was woken up my noises coming from the bedroom. I raced over and flung the door open. Aaisha was thrashing around on the bed gripping the covers. Her breathing was quite sallow and fast and I could barely hear what she was saying except for the words "hurt me" and "stop". She was having a nightmare. Rhea did warn me that this would happen.

I tugged the duvet  off of her,  she still  had her clothes on except for her socks. I sat next to her and rested her head on my chest. "Aaisha, wake up. I'm here. Don't be frightened. She put her arms around my chest and her breathing slowed. Her touch made the heat rise in my body. Calm yourself Matty. She doesn't even like you. She opened her eyes and looked at  me with a hurt and confused expression on her face. I couldn't work it out.

"He came back, she whisphered against my ear. To hurt me. Please don't let him hurt me again." 

"I promise I  won't let him or anyone hurt you again. " I can't believe I just said that!!!  Oh well it's out there. Would she remember this in the morning?

I lay down with her, her arms still wrapped tightly around my waist. For such a timid girl, she really had a tight grip.

I didn't mind at all...

Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now