Speaking in bodies

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I must have dozed off on the sofa for quite a long time. I could see it was getting dark through the kitchen window.

I went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face to wake myself up. Then I heard some music coming from the bedroom. It was Robbers. I thought Aaisha didn't even like this song. I knocked on the door and called her name. No answer. What was she doing in there?

When I opened the door, my mouth nearly dropped to the floor, and my eyes bulged out of their sockets. She was wearing my Pink floral shirt, tied around her waist which exposed her midriff, dark blue denim shorts which showed off her curves perfectly from where I was standing. Her hair was loose and wild hiding part of her face. She was standing poised, with her back facing the bed, and her hands in the shape of a gun. She looked so fucking hot.

The verse

Well, now that you've got your gun
It's much harder now the police have come
Now shoot him if it's what you're worth
But if you just take off your mask
To find out that everything's gone wrong, wrong, wrong

had just begun. . I shut the door
quietly behind me and stalked slowly towards her. She seemed to be lost in her own little world. "Aaisha, is this for me." I breathed into ear. She spun around and looked at me wide and opened mouth. She grabbed her night shirt and covered herself and stepped back from me.

"No...Matty you shouldn't be in here...you shouldn't have seen me like this..I didn't want you to see me like this!" She shrieked.

"But I have and you did darlin. I stepped towards her then she stepped back. She continued stepping back until her head hit the wall. Do you know why Aaisha? Because you wanted me to see you like this..Didn't you?"

"No Matty!", she shook her head. ..

"You want me to touch you," I reached out my hand to touch her face, but she drew back.

"Stop Matty!"

The last verse of Robbers had faded into the background. The only sound I could hear was the sound of Aaishas' heart, which was beating erratically .

"You want me Aaisha. I can see it in your eyes." I put my hands on her shoulders and began kissing her neck. The night shirt slipped to the floor somehow, at least I got a better view of her. She pushed me away, and bent down to grab it, but I kicked it across The floor. I grabbed her arms and pulled her into my chest. She curled her hands into fists and tried to push me away. But my grip got tighter. "You want me", I breathed against her mouth...

"No...I..don't. If you say that one more time, you're going to regret it." She warned.

"You want me." I saw her eyes narrow and she slapped me.

"How dare you."

She was about to slap me again, when I grabbed her arms and twisted them behind her back. "Don't deny your feelings. I've seen you staring at me these past few days. I want you to tell me what your body wants." I urged her.

"No....I...c..ca..n't.Stop this Matty!" She tried to free herself from my grasp. I wouldn't let her go. I couldn't let her go. Not now...

"Stop what...Aaisha....ummm?", I asked as I ran my fingers through her hair.Pulling her face closer to mine so our noses were almost touching.

Her chest was heaving against my own slowly and she seemed to relax a little. Fuck I even felt her nipples grow hard on me.

Her body needed me.

"Tell me babe. Don't be afraid of you're feelings. It's just me and you tonight."


"No what?"

Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now