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Rhea went with me to Aaishas' house to pack a suitcase of clothes. She still didn't look quite right. All I wanted to do was hold her tightly in my arms and never let her go. I just I needed to take the pain away.

We drove to my flat, Rhea sat with Aaisha in the back of my car.

"Where are we going?, She spoke all of a sudden.

"Somewhere safe ' Sha. Somewhere you'll be safe."

"But I'm fine at my own place."

No you're not. You can't stay by yourself. "

Rhea looked at me. My arms stiffened on the steering wheel. If she told her that she was staying with me, I was afraid of her reaction.

"Where am I staying?"

We stopped outside my flat. I looked at Aaisha through the drivers' mirror. Her eyes met mine briefly.

"Tell me you're joking Rhea. I can't.. I won't stay with him.. I want to go home."

"Listen to me. He's going to help you. Matty won't harm you. If he does he'll have me to answer to babe." 

"But..but he..."

"I know...he's sorry about that."

I got out the car and went upstairs and put the key in the lock Hoping that Rhea could make Aaisha see that this would be best for her.  

I was in the bedroom when Rhea called out to me, "Thanks for doing this Matty. I'll come by tomorrow to see how she is."

"It's really no problem. Would you like something to drink before you go?"

"No. It's fine. It's getting late so I better head off."

Rhea said her goodbyes to Aaisha and left. She looked at me and chewed the bottom of her lip. I went towards her and she stepped back a little.

"Relax, Aaisha. You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm  just gonna show you where you're sleeping."

She walked behind me slowly, I opened a door on the right. When she walked in her eyes lit up . Pink and white was the colour scheme, and she smelt a hint of chocolate and vanilla in the air. Two of her favourite things.

I cleared my  throat, "Well goodnight then. The bathroom is just around the corner. If you need anything I'll be in the lounge." 

Aaisha didn't say anything and just nodded. So I closed the door and left.


Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now