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Aaisha heard her phone ringing. She didn't answer it. It was just a bad dream. No a horrible nightmare. He wasn't here. She was alone.

After she'd showered and had breakfast, she checked her phone. It was Rhea. She was having a house party tomorrow, because the 'rents were away for a few days. She was only going to invite a few people around. She hope it was people she knew, otherwise she'd be glued to Rhea or standing alone watching other people getting drunk or putting their tongues down each others throats. It well it was a Saturday, she didn't want to by herself.

She decided to go early to help with Rhea with the drinks and food and to make sure all that certain rooms were locked because her parents collected vintage antiques which were quite expensive.

Aaisha decided to get changed there. She wore a black skinnies, black vest top, and a red blouse.

"Oh my fucking God 'Sha!", Rhea exclaimed.

"What is it Rhea. Something wrong with my clothes? I haven't bought anything else with me so it's too late for me to go home, she glanced at the clock it was 8.00pm, everyone should be here soon."

"No. You look amazing."

Aaisha was puzzled why would she say something like that. Strange

The doorbell rang Rhea answered it, Aaisha recognised a few people from her classes and some of Rheas' friends. So that was about eight people so far. She was speaking to someone called Tom because he liked writing poetry and he was hoping to get an anthology published one day. He sounded very interesting as a friend. She got herself a lemonade and piled a plate with food from the kitchen, when the doorbell rang again.

"Oh these must be my surprise guests", Rhea sounded so excited.

Aaisha saw three heads. One had blonde hair, one had dark brown hair, and the last on to enter had straw like hair. When they got closer she couldn't believe it. It was the boys from the band that Rhea liked. What was was their name....The 1975. She hoped that cocky git wasn't here. Oh no He was here too!, when she could see a dark mop of curls walking behind. Rhea. Why did she invite them for?

Before he could see her she grabbed Tom's hand, "dance with me." Tom took her hand and they slunk away into the the corner of the room.


"I can't believe that you and the boys found the time to come here." Rhea said to me.

"We've got some time off. Rehearsing can get quite stressing." I replied. Rhea looked quite worried. "Are you alright?"

"Aaisha.. She was here a minute ago..I don't know where she is. She doesn't normally do this sort of thing. But I didn't want her to be home alone."

Aaisha she was here. Somewhere in this room. I looked at Adam, George and Ross they were to busy enjoying the food. Pigs!

I scanned the room full of people some dancing, some eating some just staring into space. When I saw two figures in the far corner of the room. One was struggling against the other.
I strode over there, my anger rising rapidly.

"Get off me Tom, I just wanted to be friends."

"Fucking bitch. You know you want it..stop pretending..."

I grabbed the bastards shirt and punched him in the face. Giving him a bloody nose. "If you know what's good for you, get the fuck of her before I put you in a&e!" I yelled at him.

Rhea came rushing over,"Bloody hell 'Sha what did he do to you?"

Aaisha couldn't speak or move. Everyone was just looking.

Hann said," party's over. Can every leave now. Thanks."

Ross switched the music off. George started to clear everything away.

"Uh Matty, could you just make some tea." I nodded.

I made six cups of tea and placed them on a tray. Who would've that I could be so domesticated. There's a lot that people don't know about me.

"Oh thanks guys for everything. You've been amazing." Rhea remarked.

"Don't mention it." Ross replied.

"You'll make your future wives so proud of you one day." She giggled and so did the others.

Aaisha still looked very pale. "Babe drink some of this. Rhea handed her the cup. She sipped it slowly. Good girl . You'll be fine.

I looked at Rhea very puzzled. "I promised to keep this a secret, but she was abused by a friend of the family when she was kid. He only got six fucking months. That's why she feels a bit....traumatised about...well you know....I don't think she's ever got over it, even though she's had therapy. Then her Mum and Dad died in a car accident after her sixteenth birthday. She's got family, but they don't really care. She only has me... Even I've failed her. "

Oh fuck. Guilt and regret washed all over me. I had to make it up to Aaisha somehow for the way I treated her. I looked at the boys they were stunned.
Aaisha still looked very pale and wasn't aware of what was going on around her.

"She can stay with me. I'll look after her. I can help Aaisha."

"What...really!!!", Rhea sounded shocked.

"Matty are you serious. You're a bloody musician not a counsellor," George stated.

"Can you really do this Matty. George is right you know." Adam said dryly.

"Matty, Aaisha needs help. Not the help that you can give her." Ross said in an annoying tone.

"Why don't you all shut up. I've made up my mind. I'm taking her home with me tonight. So take it or leave it!"

Rhea helped Aaisha with her tea, and gave a sandwich and a biscuit to eat. "I hope you can give her the help she needs. Otherwise they'll be hell to pay." Rhea said sternly.

"I know I can."

The others looked at me as if to say I didn't know what I was doing or saying. But I needed to make things right. I needed to make her right.

Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now