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I still hadn't heard from Ross. Should I be worried? Of course I was. We've been in each others pockets for a long time. I texted him so we could meet for a drink at the local Pub. I told Aaisha that I wouldn't be no more than hour.

I got to the Pub early and had a non- alcoholic beer. I looked at my watch. He was pushing it. I said 7pm and it was almost hitting that hour. What the fuck. I hate people who are late.

I kept looking at the door and my watch. Just hoping he would turn up so we sort this things out. Then suddenly there he was coming towards me with a sombre look on his face.

"Can I get you anything?"

"No thanks. I won't be staying long. Just say what you have to say then I'm going." He barked.

"Ok. Mate. Calm down. What is your issue with myself and Aaisha? Why don't you like her being with me?"

Ross leant forward slightly, "You're no fucking good for her. Let her go" He sneered.

"No way. Since when did you care about her welfare?" I spat back.

"I fucking love her that's why."


"You heard. I'm going to take her away from you."

"Fuck off. I'm not letting you do that. If you lay one finger on her...I mean it ."

"Try me." He was pushing his luck.

"Don't test me. You can't touch her. She's mine." I stood up abruptly almost knocking my chair over. Everyone turned to look around.

"Who's to say that she might not be safe now. Your sweet little angel might not be home when you go back. I know that Rhea hates her...."

I lost it and punched him twice in the face. His nose was bloody and his face was swollen..."You deserved that McDonald." He got his fists ready to retaliate but the barman stepped in.

"Get out of my pub otherwise I'm calling the police."

I raced all the way back to the flat. Just hoping that Aaisha was still there. I put the key in the door and dashed up the stairs.

"Aaisha..I answer. I started to panic. I went into the lounge. She was lying on the setee hugging a cushion. She started to stir.

Thank God nothing had happened to her.

"Matty your home...sorry I couldn't stay awake."

I took her in my arms and held her tightly. Peppering kisses all over her face. "I fucking love you Aaisha. I'm in love with you sweetheart." I blurted out.

"I love you too Matty. She hugged me back. What happened to your hands..Are you hurt?" She looked scared.

"I'm fine. Ross tried to...never mind." I washed my hands thoroughly. Using plenty of soap.

"What did Ross do?"

"He threatened to.take you away from me I..."

"But why?"

"He loves you that's fuckin why!" I raised my voice. I sat down beside her and held her in my arms.

"But you're the only one I want Matty. I only need you. It's only going to be you who's going to fill that emptiness that I've had in my life. I'm really thankful for having you in my life Matty."

Why did she have to make so weak. I felt my eyes getting wet. "I don't know what I'd do without you in my life sweetheart." I croaked.

"What are you going to do about Ross?"

"He won't be part of the band anymore." I got out my phone and texted him as well as the others.

Then I received another call from Jamie who tried to reason with me. "I'm not having anyone threaten or harass Aaisha. In fact forget the fucking tour. I'm taking an extended break." I shouted and shut my phone.
Jamie called me several times but I didn't answer them I was so.pissed tight now.

"Matty do you think you've done the right thing?"

"Of course I have sweetheart." I cupped her face in my hands. You know what I'm taking you to visit my Mum. I haven't seen.her in a while.

"Your Mother! But Matty..."

"Don't worry. She'll love you."

,"I hope so." She muttered.

"Another chapter finished. I really don't know where this is going to atm. But I'm going with the flow.

Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now