One more fight

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" She's awake Ross."  My eyes slowly flickered open as  I heard a familiar voice yelling like a banshee. My body felt battered and bruised all over. I took in my surroundings. My hands and feet were bound and I was lying on a four poster bed. I felt dirty, and my clothes smelt like sewage.

I wanted to have a hot bath  I wanted to get out of here and most of all I wanted Matty. I wanted to be in his arms  safe and secure.

Where are you Matty?  I need you. Please hurry.

"Mattys' Princess is awake now." Ross came into the room with Rhea behind him. Their faces so full of hate and scorn. It terrified me. I didn't want them to hurt me again. I had  to survive for my self preservation. I had to survive for Matty.

"What have I done to hurt you Ross?"

"Being with Matty Aaisha. I could be so so much better for you." He put his hand on  my thigh.

"Don't you dare touch me." I tried to push him away. Just you wait until Matty comes.."

"Poor little Aaisha. You think he'll come and save you. She came back in.the room with a candle and some matches. By the time he finds'll be dead."

"I thought you were my friend."

"Friend? You've got Matty you smart bitch. You're going to pay." She lit the candle   and placed it on a tray.

" Rhea. I'm sorry. Don't do this please. You're so much better than this."

"Too fucking late. It's too late. Why did he have to go for a timid creature like you when he could've gone for me. We've got so many things in common." She smiled smugly to herself.

"Rhea what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Ross tried to grab the candle but a drop of wax dripped onto  my skin.

"What you wanted Ross all along."

"I didn't want to hurt her...I just wanted to scare her. Put that out now!"

"Fuck off Ross."

Their voices faded into the distance. All I could feel was this burning pain searing through by body. I needed Matty to take it away but he wasn't here to comfort me. I felt tears running down my face. Was I really going to die today? No I couldn't let that    happen to me. I just couldn't. Matty needed me!

"MATTY." I heard myself scream.

He's not coming to save you." Rhea picked up  the end of the duvet cover and set it alight

"What the fuck..Rhea.You mad bitch!" Are the last words I heard as I felt my body shut down.


As I was sitting in the police car I could hear Aaisha screaming in my head. I was going to kill them both. Mum and Louis decided to come with me  as well which I was very grateful for. Adam and George were in the car behind ours.

"We're just two minutes away Matty. We've got armed police coming as well."

"Isn't that going to make things worse? If anything happens to Aaisha.."

"Matty they know what their doing."

"But Mum I.."

"Don't worry Matty. We'll get her out safely."

I was stressing myself out. I didn't fall for Aaisha for this to happen. I've been bad at relationships in the past but this was real. I couldn't fuck it up now. Aaisha meant the whole world to me. She was my world. If it meant choosing her over the band. I'll choose Aaisha hands down. Why is it that when I finally find the one,  everything has to go fucking against me...

The car quickly turned a corner and halted outside some wrought iron gates. There were ten armed  police men waiting outside already. In the distance I saw smoke coming from what looked like a large barn  conversion. How the fuck did Ross manage to find this place?

"I need to get to Aaisha!" I yelled. I dashed out of the car and tried to climb over the gates. Adam, George  Mark and hauled be back.

"It's too dangerous. Let the police do their job."

"You're one to talk Mark. My fucking girlfriend is going through hell right now because of you."

"Calm down bro. They'll bring her out in piece. " Adam led me back to the car.

"They  are going in Matty love." Mum comforted  me in her arms. Everythings' going to be fine."

"Don't worry bro. Aaisha will be fine." Louis gave me a reaasuring pat on my  back.

I could hear shots being fired in the distance, and then I saw the armed police  runmng out of the building. Seconds later an ambulance and the fire brigade came. The fire crew broke the lock on the gate. As it opened I could see that most of their faces were black with the smoke. Where the fuck was Aaisha?

Then I saw one of the armed police carrying a lifeless body. I knew it was Aaisha, I quickly ran over as they lay her on the ground.

"She's unconscious but barely breathing." The policeman said.

An oxygen  mask was put over her  mouth, before the paramedics stretchered her into the ambulance. I got in and sat near her.

I held her hand and willed her to open her eyes, my tears falling on her face. Her arms were badly bruised, and what the fuck was that a burn mark on her wrist. That's it. Ross was dead literally. I kissed her face and I thought I heard her say my name but she wasn't moving.

"They'll make her look good as new when she gets to Queen Elizabeth's."
The paramedic smiled reassuringly.

"What about the burn marks?"

They're just minor. They'll be examined and treated as soon as we get her to the hospital. "

It didn't take long to get to the hospital. She got admitted and was put into a room. I had to wait outside in the corridor. Everyone else came shortly after. Adam told me about how Ross tried to stop Rhea harming her. It didn't matter now as they had both been arrested. They were both being charged with attempted murder. That's what those animals deserved."

One of the Doctors came out of the room, "Miss Hope is asking for Matty."  She looked at Louis who was about to get up I glared at him.

"I'm Matty actually."

She looked me up and down and smiled slightly. "Oh I'm so  sorry. "

It's alright love." Louis  rolled his eyes and tutted at me.

I took a deep breath and went into the room.

"Matty...I'm sorry." She whisphered.

" Just don't say anything. I entwined my hand with hers and caressed her face.

"Your're not going to leave me for somebody else?"

"Of course not. You know I fucking love you."

"Rhea said..."

"Fuck what Rhea said. Fuck what the world says Aaisha!"

"She tried to kill me Matty." I heard her sniff.

"I know baby. I know." I leaned over  and kissed her gently. She's going to pay for what she did to you and so is Ross."

One of the nurses came in and said that visiting hours were over. So I kissed her lips, wishing that this moment would last forever.

"Come on Matty love." Mum tried to hurry me. I looked at her one more time  through the window pane. She turned her head slightly and mouthed 'I love you.'


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