It's not living

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I looked at my watch, it was almost 10.00. She hasn't  sent me a text or called me. I hope she's ok. My phone started to buzz. It was Rhea. Aaisha was in a bad way. Someone had spiked her drink. She needed to go to a&e. I needed to get to the Hospital

What the fuck!! How the fuck could someone do this to  my Aaisha. Rhea was supposed to be looking after her!! I grabbed a t shirt and slipped on my trainers and jumped into the car. I texted the boys to tell them what happened.

I went over to the receptionist desk "Could you tell me where Aaisha Hope is please?"

She looked up at me, " Are you a relative?"...

For fucks I didn't have time for twenty questions just tell me where she is.

"Yes..yes I am."

I was drumming my fingers on the desk while she was tapping away on the PC.

"She's in Room 102. She sensed I was going to ask her where that was. "Keep to the left and it's on the right hand side".

"Thank you"...I could feel people looking at me but I didn't care. I just wanted to be with Aaisha.

I rushed down the corridors and barged in the room. Rhea was sitting on chair beside the bed and a consultant was checking Aaishas' pulse.

"I'm sorry we can't have more than one person in the room. The consultant looked at me sternly.

"It's fine. I'll wait outside."

Rhea looked at me and walked off.

"You are?..."

"Boyfriend", where the hell did that come from?

"I'm her boyfriend I repeated, I ran, my hand through my hair. So can you tell what the hell happened?"

"Well her drink had  a high dose of
Flunitrazepam in it. It's also known as a the rape drug.

"Date rape..."

Luckily her friend knew the symptoms and bought her here just in time before it could any serious. We've pumped her stomach, so she needs time to recover."

Date rape how the fuck could someone target Aaisha. I don't understand.

"Matty....I want Matty..." she whisphered.

I held her hand and kissed it. "I'm here babe."

"Matty can you kiss me. I just want to make sure you're real."

I leant over and kissed her cheek. "Is that real enough for you."

She nodded and closed her eyes.

"So when can I take her home?" I asked the consultant.

"Hopefully tomorrow."

"Can I stay with her?"

"Well there is separate accommodation...

"No Dr, I mean  I want to stay with her.."

"Oh I see..ok. I'll see what I can do."

I heard voices outside the door. The boys were here. I went outside.

"George asked me, "How is she?"

"She's out of danger. Thank God." I felt a tear run down my cheek. Adam.gave me a hug. Who'd have thought I'd be crying over a girl...

"She's going to be fine Matty."

"As long she has you. Aaisha will be alright." Ross said.

Rhea came up to me, " I should've watched her more carefully Matty. She's got no idea of the big bad world. I'm sorry about all this."

"It's not your fault. Anyway you can all go home. I'm staying here tonight."

"Where are you going to sleep?",
George asked curiously.

"With her. Everyone looked at me in shock. On the comfy setee guys. Ok. " They all heaved a sigh of relief. I don't see anything wrong with sharing a bed with Aaisha. It's not if I was... we were you know...even if she wanted to I wouldn't...not in a hospital anyway. What the fuck am I thinking...

They left after I told them that I  would text them to let them how Aaisha was.

I grabbed a sandwich, crisps, chocolate and cold drink from the cafe which was just about to close. "How much is that love?" I asked the girl at the till.

After she'd put everything through the till she looked up at me and paused, yes she recognised me alright.   I didn't have time for this right now, "4.50" She replied eventually.

"Keep the change." I winked at her as I handed over   a five pound note. I'm sure she'll donate the fifty pence to charity.

"Ummm thank you". She replied.

When I got back in the room, I almost dropped everything. The bed covers had slipped off of her, the hospital gown and ridden up to her thighs. Fucking hell how could someone so innocent and pure be so sexy. I couldn't wait to get my mouth on her  skin..

Jesus Matty just shut up.

I put the food down on the table and pulled the bed covers over her.

"Matty I'm thirsty. I need a drink."  She mumbled. I poured out a glass of water  from.the jug on the cabinet and rested her head in the crook of my  arm.

"Is that better?"

"Yes Matty. But my stomach still hurts."

"Shall I call the nurse."

"No not yet. Could you..just...umm

"Could I just what Aaisha? Tell me."

"Could you just massage it please?"

I lifted up the gown and placed by hands on her stomach, and gently moved my hands around it.

"That feels so good Matty. Your hands are amazing.My tummy feels so warm and relaxed. You're a natural. " She murmured.

"Does it hurt anywhere else?"

"No. All I want is to sleep now. You won't leave me will you?"

"Babe I'll be here. Don't worry."

She smiled back at me and closed her eyes. I ate quickly and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.  I looked really tired and rough. Need to cut down on the cigs and the alcohol I thought to myself. I got the blankets and the pillow that one of the ward nurses left on the chair and put them on the settee.

I went over to Aaisha and kissed the side of her lips, "Goodnight Aaisha."
As I turned around I swear I heard her say my name. Or was it my imagination.

I think she likes me a tiny bit more...

Ok. Another chapter finished. There will be some very hot moments between Matty and Aaisha soon. But I'm not going to rush into things too fast. Thanx in advance....

Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now