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I was woken up when a nurse walked in the room. It was 8.00am.

"Good morning."

"Morning love". I said wearily.

I'm just going to take her temperature and check her blood pressure. Then we can discharge her later on."

"Thank you."

"You make a beautiful couple by the way. "

'Ah thanks." I replied

"Wish I had a fella who looked after me like you." She sighed heavily

I glanced over towards the bed Aaisha was just coming out of sleep. The nurse came over to the bed.

"Morning Miss Hope." She beamed.

'Morning.."I could see her eyes darting around the room. Where's Matty." she asked with a worried tone..

"Your boyf..

"I'm here Aaisha"...I interrupted the nurse quickly as I got up from the settee. Well I'll let you get on with things, I'm going to have a wash and get us some breakfast."

The nurse nodded and smiled at me.

When I got back I put tray of cereal, juice and toast on the table. Aaisha was already dressed. The nurse was still there scribbling some notes on the discharge sheet.

"Is everything ok?", I asked.

"She's passed. So she just needs to rest. Being the loving boyfriend that you are you'll give her all the tlc that she needs."

Aaisha looked at me and narrowed her eyes. She wasn't happy at all. Well tough. She was weak right now and needed me to look after her. Which I know isn't going to be easy. She munched on her cereal quickly and gulped the juice down in one go.

"Thank you...I looked at her badge Maria."

"It was my pleasure...sorry I didn't catch your name Mr...

"You can call me Matty."

"Ok Matty. It was nice meeting you. Aaisha is very lucky."

I shook her hand and gestured to Aaisha, "Let's get you home darling." I grabbed the piece of toast and waited for Aaisha to come outside.

I took her hand in my own and pulled her close into me. She looked really pissed at me.

"Matty what exactly is going on in your brain?"

"What do you mean?"

"The nurse called me your girlfriend. What have you been saying about us?" She let go of my hand and waited for me to answer.

I raised an eyebrow up at her, "Oh us now is it ." I teased as I moved her hair away from her face.

"You're joking me right. I just want to be your friend. Anyway you were flirting with the bloody nurse. You do live up to your reputation Matthew." She ranted.

"I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the ladies toilet. Thank God no one was looking. " Oh and what kind of reputation is that ." I breathed against her ear.

"You just charm and disarm every girl you meet." She whisphered.

"Am I having that effect on you Aaisha?", I lifted her chin and looked into her eyes..

"No...Matty just stop it will you!". She pushed me away and ran outside.

She was leaning against the wall and had her arms folded. "Alright. I'm sorry. I really am."

Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now